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Lea’s POV --


Curiosity most definitely killed the cat.


I can’t forbid myself from being the slightest bit of curious when it comes to activities in which Jason is more familiar with. The day I watched him smoke from a bong could very well be the most intriguing day of my life. Besides the sexual encounters we’ve been through, I’d say that the drugs were very eye opening. It’s always wonderful to watch someone become so focused in the midst of working on something that’s so dear to them. The look on their face is nothing short of concentrated and the movements created are always well thought-out.


Jason and I were far from town, far from where we both resided, far from the people we love and the places we’re so used to passing by every waking moment. I decided to skip school and spend the afternoon and evening with Jason, not worrying about the consequences until they make themselves known. This specific location already held many memories since it’s not the first time Jason and I have visited this area. We were by the lake where many canoes were set up and relatively few cars would pass by. With his car parked well into the high grass, we spent majority of our time discussing the simplest of things.


Right now, I stood completely in front of Jason with my back facing him. His chin rests against my shoulder and he held my arms up while grasping my wrists. My arms were stretched out directly ahead of me and in my hands I held a gun. In the movies I’ve seen, guns always appeared to be either extremely big or a fairly medium size. Never before have I laid eyes on something small enough that even I questioned whether brutal damage could be done. My hands shook, expressing the fright and excitement that shrilled my bones. Jason squeezed my wrists to bring my minor shaking to a halt and with a soft smirk he begins speaking.


“Bring your finger over the trigger.” He speaks softly, “Use your thumb to pull the hammer down until you hear a click. Never loosen up on the grip.”


“What if I shoot something by accident?” I spoke too quickly for my lips to follow.


“You wanted to try this.” He chuckles, “If you don’t want to anymore put the gun down.”


I bit my lip, fighting with myself mentally. Of course I was worried that a bird could pass by and I’d be dumb enough to shoot it down. Or, better yet, the spot we were in was filled with various trees and grass; perhaps a squirrel or rabbit could be close by. On the other hand, I’ve spent so many years watching movies where females easily pull the trigger and continue on with their lives. I wanted to feel that power; invincibility. Swallowing my pride, I shut my eyes while tightening my grip and slowly place my thumb over what I assume to be the hammer. Jason is silent, holding my wrist in place and somehow I could feel myself sinking further against his chest. My index finger brushed over the trigger and my heart skipped a beat.


“Don’t worry, as long as I’m holding you nothing will happen.” He reassures me. “Pull the trigger.”


“If you let go what happens?” I slightly turn my head in his direction, narrowing my eyes to get somewhat of a good look at him.

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