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"But you're not Rose Quartz..." Steven glances at the gem's naval to see what looked exactly like his gem.
"Unless... you are?" Steven scratches the back of his head. Pink Diamond nods, informing she is who he says.
"How are you here? Why do you look like this? What happened?" Steven rambles.
"I saw everything. We were in an accident and... well, you died, Steven," the pink gem tells him.
"Yes. I used my healing tears to bring you back. I'm honestly surprised you didn't turn pink. Well, at least most of you."
"What do you mean?" Steven checks around his body to find where he may be pigmented differently. Pink Diamond pats his head.
"Your hair— there's a little pink floof," the Diamond giggles.
Steven looks at his reflection in one of the gas station windows. A small fraction of his dark hair is a pastel pink, just like his mother's.
"Oh boy," Steven pants. "Am I dreaming? Maybe I did crash and this is a fever dream..."
Pink Diamond watches the boy rant and pace.
"Yeah, I'm probably in a coma in the hospital or something... How is that any better?"
"Listen, Steven," the Diamond stops her son, holding his shoulders, "this is scary, I'm sure, but you've got this, okay? I've seen you in situations worse than this, and you always come around."
"How could you know that?" Steven asks, panting.
"Well, it's not like I wasn't there," Pink Diamond gestures to his belly.
Steven rubs his face, beginning to sweat. "So, you've been conscious this whole time?"
"Yeah," Pink says.
"This whole time we all thought you were 'asleep', like you couldn't hear us or anything! So you saw all of it?!"
"You saw when White took my gem?"
"When Amethyst pretended to be you?"
"When Pearl kept fixing the tower?"
"When Garnet—"
"Steven, I've always been there; from Cookie Cat to your Corruption."
Steven shews her hands away. He sits down on the pavement, hands in his hair.
"Steven?" The Diamond sits in front of him.
Steven looks up at the pink gem. The whole reason he ever took this trip was to find himself, not indulge further into his gem side. "Sorry, this is just... a lot to take in..."

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