Chapter 7

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Hope you're ready =)
The end is fluff

Alex POV

Holy shit what the fuck are they doing? We're trying to watch a movie in here guys!

John seemed to notice my discomfort because he looked towards me with a worried expression.

"They're fucking," I sign and John tries to hold back laughter. It didn't work so well and I silently join in. [Obviously silently dumbass. You're mute]

Shut the fuck up author.

Anyway, Laf and Herc are fucking next door and they are in no way being quiet.

Thats annoying.

I turn up the volume on the TV to try to drown out the sound but the power went out as I did.

Thats when I heard thunder rolling in the distance.

Oh shit.

"Whats wrong?" John signs.

I point out the window as lightning strikes from the sky.

"Are you scared of storms?" He asks. I nod as I jump at another boom of thunder.

John pulls me close and starts stroking my back but I hardly notice in the midst of my panic attack.

John POV

How the hell do you deal with panic attacks. I have no idea since I'm usally the one having the panic attack.

Well how did they help me?

I do the first thing I can think of.

I pull Alex close and start rubbing his back. Not sure how thats working.

His breathing is fast and his heart is racing.

Holy shit what do I do now?

I continue what I'm doing because I have no clue what else to do. I've never had to deal with someone having a panic attack before.

Alex is gripping onto my shirt a he trenbles with fear. I hold him as close as I can.

Enjoy it John this might never happen again.

Not the time anxious thoughts fuck off.

Around the same time the storm ended, Alex's breathing levels out and his heart slows down to a steady rate.

When I look down I notice that he fell asleep. I pick him up to cary him to his room. He is surprisingly light.

Alex wraps his arms around my neck once I stand up. Well shit.

When I got to his room I tries to put him in his bed but he wouldn't let go. Fuck, hes strong too.

So I bring him back to the couch and lay down with him still holding onto my neck.

Eventually sleep over comes me as well.

Alex POV
==The Next Day==

I woke up on the couch? Why did I fall asleep here? When I look down I notice John is asleep on the couch too.

Holy shit.

The memories of the storm come rushing back to me.

Shit now he probably thinks I'm a coward.

John slowly starts waking up and I roll off the couch.

"You okay?" He signs.

"Uh... Yeah I am. Sorry about last night," I respond.

"No worries. I've had my fair share of panic attacks," He assures me.

"Yeah but its so stupid and-"

He cuts me off, "No its not. People get scared of things like that all the time."

"I'm still a coward."

"No you aren't," he signs then he pulls me into a tight hug. I hug back and I feel him kiss my forehead.

My breathing hitches and he pulls away quickly as he realizes what he did.

"I'm sorry! I wasn't thinking!" He signs rapidly.

I don't bother responding and kiss him back.

"Laurens. I like you a lot."



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