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Alex POV

I got in. Holy shit I got in. I race downstairs and pounce onto Peters back.

"What has you so excited?" He laughs.

"I got in!!" I sign excitedly. Oh yeah. Forgot to mention, I'm mute.

"You did!" He cheers. I nod quickly. Peter is quickly just as excited as I am.

"Classes start next week" I add.

"Well we better get you some new stuff huh!" He says then he drags me to the store where we get a new laptop, phone, clothes and a few other necessities.

I can already tell this is going to be a good year and it hasn't even started. That is, if I make friends who know sign language of course.

John POV

Right after I finish reading my letter for the fourth time I run to my fathers office.

I quickly knock and after a few seconds he opens the door, knowing if it was me I wouldn't hear him say come in.

Before he can ask what I need I quickly sign "I got in!" to my dad. I see the excitement vivid on his face.

"You did!" He signs back and I nod excitedly. He pulls me into a tight hug which I quickly return.

When he pulls away he signs, "I want you to find yourself a nice boyfriend okay," [yes you read right. Boyfriend. Accepting Henry!! 🥳]

I nod with a bright smile on my face. Hopefully I can find someone who doesn't care that I'm deaf. I haven't had the best luck with that in the past.

Earlier I texted my friends and found out they all got accepted as well. I'm super excited.

My dad gives me some money and tells me to get supplies for school. I happily do so.

Kings College, here I come.


Chapters will be longer I promise. This is just the prologue.  Hope you're excited because I am for this.

- Heaven

The Lovely Silence [Hamilton Lams College AU] [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now