Chapter 2: FT-7432

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"As I wake up I see my titan Ft who was badly damaged after the fight with the apex"

(Y/n): " Ft you ok"

Ft: " I am fine pilot but my systems are low on power and will need batteries I am scanning for any batteries near the area"

" As Ft tells me the scans complete she found 2 working batteries near the area"

(Y/n): " Well time to find those batteries"

"I left to go find the batteries then I saw something that shocked me the pride of the militia fleet the James MacAllan"

"I left to go find the batteries then I saw something that shocked me the pride of the militia fleet the James MacAllan"

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(Y/n): " Shit they got the MacAllan"
" just before I left I saw a pilot go into the wreck of the MacAllan"

(Y/n): " Well at least I know someone else survived this"

"I kept moving to the location Ft had me go to, to find the battery"

(Y/n): " shit IMC soldiers"

IMC #1: " lets move I heard on the radio they found a Militia pilot

"They must of found the pilot I saw earlier, lets keep moving I got a battery to find"

(Y/n): " damn i should of been there by now,Ft how close am I to the battery"

Ft: " your close (y/n) just keep going down that path"

" as I go down the path I see a small IMC encampment which is where the battery is supposed to be I guess"

(Y/n): " Ft See a small IMC camp is that where the battery is"

Ft: "yes the battery should be there"

" As I head down to the encampment I counted 7 IMC soldiers there so I get ready"

"IMC Soldier#1: " Heard 1 of are squads found a damaged Vanguard titan"

IMC soldier#2: " Really those are rare to find wonder what gonna happen to it"

IMC soldier#3: " Who knows but for know we need to keep a lookout for that pilot"

"After hearing the conversation I go in a break the IMC soldiers neck and shot the other one the third one tried to escape but I shot him in the leg"

IMC soldier#3: " Damn it my leg, oh great a pil-"
" before he could finish I punched him in the face"

(Y/n): " if you want to live your gonna tell me where this vanguard titan is"

IMC soldier#3: " I don't know where it is all I know was one of are Squads found it damaged"

(Y/n): " Ok so here's what your gonna do your gonna radio that squad and ask them for there location"
IMC soldier#3: " why would I do that for a Terrorist"

(Y/n): " Because this Terrorist is the only thing between you and a bloody death so you gonna do what I ask or no"
(Starwars fans would get this reference)

IMC soldier#3: "(Panicked) Ok Ok Fine, if anybody can here me who said they found the vanguard titan"

Radio(Sgt cal ): " this is Sgt Cal we found the titan south of the MacAllan"

IMC soldier#3: " Roger that"

(Y/n): " Thank you"

" Before I left I knocked him out and took his radio and weapons and thrown them into the waterfall nearby"
(Y/n): " You won't be getting back to your base alive"

"As I keep walking I see the titan they were talking about it almost looks like lastimosa's titan come to think of it this was his last location before going dark"

"As I keep walking I see the titan they were talking about it almost looks like lastimosa's titan come to think of it this was his last location before going dark"

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(Y/n): " Wait it is lastimosa'a titan BT!"
BT: " Ah (Y/n) glad you are alive"

(Y/n): " same with you bud, did lastimosa go to the Wreckage of the MacAllan by any chance"

BT: " No sadly Captain Lastimosa is KIA, Lastimosa made cooper my acting pilot before he died"

(Y/n): " Damn I wish I was here, So where is Cooper"

BT: " Cooper went back to find me the last power cell
I need for full function"

(Y/n): " Well I guess I should head to the wreckage because FT needs her power cell as well, Let me know when Jack gets back"

(Y/n): " That's the Last Powercell how do you feel FT"

Ft: " full systems function I feel better"

(Y/n): " Well that good we should go meet up with BT and jack"

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