Chapter 4: Facility of death

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Bt: " Major Anderson went this way. It could be a short to the Rendezvous point, I recommend we proceed"

(Y/n):" Well lets move"

Cooper: " what is this place"

Bt: " accessing files" unknown"

Kane: "What are we doing here"

Bt: we must proceed through this facility to the Rendezvous point to get to major Anderson, it is are only chance of survival

Blisk: "ash, this is blisk, how you copy, over"

Ash: "this is ash go ahead"

Blisk: " Kane is not responding I think our militia pilot trying to be a hero. He's got to be heading your way. Kill him

Ash: " Understood. Ash out

Cooper: " who's blisk

Bt: "he is a war criminal wanted by the militia, Currently employed by the IMC, Blisk was Responsible for the death of my previous pilot, Cpt Lastimosa"

(Y/n): " Wait what? blisk did that!?"

Cooper: " yes I saw him do it"

" as we keep moving through the facility we come across reapers on racks"

(Y/n):" well at least their offline"

" just then we see trees on platforms moving"

(Y/n):" the hell?"

" as we keep moving we see a huge assembly line of trees"

(Y/n):" what the hell are the IMC doing with trees are these even real?"

" just then we see IMC soldiers with stalkers"

Cooper: " shit we got incoming"


" we start to open fire with Kane using his thermite launcher"

(Y/n): " Shit Kane fire your incendiary traps"

Kane: " don't have to ask me twice"

" as Kane fires his traps he lights up IMC soldiers up"

(Y/n):" well that's that"

" we move further into the facility" to see more trees and more IMC soldiers with titans this time"

Tone pilot: " Militia pilots spotted open fire!"

IMC grunt#1: " the hell isnt that Kane's titan?"

IMC grunt#2: " fucking traitor open fire"

Kane: " well they found me out"

(Y/n):" would of sooner or later"

" as we fight through the IMC forces we see a huge door open with 3 more IMC titans coming through"

(Y/n):" salvo core activated firing now"
" as I fire my salvo core my missiles tear apart the IMC titans, as we move through the huge doors we see a loading bay"

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