(Flashback) Apex

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[Planet: Calus]
[location: Small city of Ricon]
???: getting near target eta 3 minutes.
???: Alright everyone get ready we're almost at the target.

???: So blisk whats are contract for today.

Blisk: Good for you to ask (y/n) we're gonna kill a IMC General.

(Y/n): IMC General very interesting and who's asking us to murder this man?.

Ash: A man named Corp he wants us to kill him because the IMC forces here are ruining his business we kill him.

Kane: and the IMC forces are left leaderless and to which they will have to leave.

Richter: we are at the target.

Slone: so (y/n) your going first.

(Y/n): as always.

"As I went to the ramp I open it but I feel a tap behind me and see blisk"

Blisk: Hey be carful ok.

*hugs blisk*

(Y/n): aren't I always.

"As I leave blisks hug i fall backwards and head straight down towards the targets building and then landed"

(Y/n): Perfect landing hahah"

Kane: Dont get cocky kid these IMC soldiers don't fuck around"

(Y/n): don't worry blisk I got this"

"As I made my way to the main building, I quickly jump from the roof to kill 2 guards by stabbing one in the neck and throwing his buddy on the other throwing them both off the balcony"

(Y/n): alright I'm in Ash I'm in where do I go"

Ash: Alright you need to head down the hall way the door to your left should be the generator room"

(Y/n): Got it"

"As I made my way down the hall way I see the the door ash was talking about and I see 2 guards by it" I prepared my data knife and throw it at the guard on the left and shoot the one on the right"

(Y/n): Alright I'm in and this room is huge"

Ash: there should be a system near by put the bomb there and once it goes off you have 5 minutes until the back generators kick in"

(Y/n): well I'm gonna have to use that 5 minutes for the evac"

"I left the generator room and see another door I open at I found something very interesting"

(Y/n): Hey ash how much would our contractor give us for stolen IMC data"

Ash: depends on how good it is"

(Y/n): Well I'm in the data center I'm gonna find a place to put my data knife and get what I can"

"As I look for a data port to put my knife in
I found it sitting in the corner, I put it in and I let the knife do it's magic, but something catches my eye"

(Y/n): Hey ash I found something interesting looks like the IMC are working on a new ship, it supposed to be for land, water and air, Heavily armored and armed, and a cannon called the execution, this will be definitely something someone would want and would have to pay big for.

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