RvB S2 E2 Motion to adjourn

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Firefight in front of blue base.

Church: Okay,Tucker, I need you to get up there,help Caboose shore up the defense,establish a suppression fire, and hold that position until further notice.

Tucker: I didn't even know what half of that meant.

Sheila: Just go over to Caboose cover and fire at the people who's trying to kill us!

Tucker then turns and looks at Caboose's cover.

Tucker: That rock? Yeah, I don't think so...and what do you mean "we" your an A.I! You can't die!

Sheila: What I mean is that my chip can be destroyed from a bullet to the head!

Church: And we do not have time to discuss this.

Tucker: Sure, no time for you to discuss it you get to hang out here with. Nancy no-bullets shootin the breeze, mean while I'm out there running around, eating a machine gun sandwich.

Church: Tucker, we're gonna give you covering fire.

Tucker: Covering fire? Unless that means you're gonna build a huge fucking bulletproof wall, between me and them, I think you need to come up with a new plan. Preferably one that involves me keeping the same quality of blood that I have right now.

Church: No problem. Oh wait,wait, does the blood have to be your body?

Middle of the canyon a few yards from blue base. Jack and Grif are firing burst rounds from their assault rifles at the blues who are behind cover.

Simmons: GGGGuuuuuyyyysss...I-I can't ffeel my handdds.

Grif: Maybe let off the trigger and fire burst rounds instead.

Jack: Dude you should know by now how to fire a gun!

Back to the blues

Sheila: Dufesne do you go by a nick name by any chance?

Dufesne: Uh...A Uh, Loy of people call me "Doc"

Church: alright Doc, get over there and help Caboose.

Doc: I don't have a gun, I'm a pacifist.

Church: Well then just get over there and yell "bang,bang,bang."

Doc: You do know that anything violent is still against my beliefs.

Tucker: Oh, come on!

Doc: Besides I'm not supposed to get involved unless someone gets injured that needs immediate attention.

Church: Huh, I see.

Church turns towards Caboose and very deliberately shoot Caboose in the foot!

Caboose:(distance) Ahow! My foot...!

Church: Well looks like Caboose has hurt himself. Maybe you should get over there and help him Doc.

Sheila:(glares at Church) I'm gonna kick your ass!

Doc: You know, you could have just asked nicely.

Back to the Reds.

Jack: Fuck! Clips dry! Hey Simmons could you pass me a couple of mags?

Simmons: Me? I don't have any extra. I'm down to one bullet.

Grif: Wha-how the hell can that be? You're the one who carries all that extra ammo in to battle.

Simmons: Wait,since when?

Tex then appears along with Crystal.

Tex: Since the last staff meeting we had!

Simmons: We actually talk about stuff in those things? I just day dream about my wealth.

Crystal: Well, you missed your job assignment and you guys have no ammo.

Simmons: What's your guy's jobs then?

Grif: I'm in charge of supplies

Jack: I'm in charge of vehicle maintenance sense the blues have Lopez.

Tex: I take notes of the last staff meeting.

Crystal: Sarge doesn't want me to be working to hard do to me being pregnant.

Sarge,Allison,and Donut run up to the group.

Sarge: Simmons me and First Lady Allison and Treasurer Donut are empty. We need clips.

Grif: Hey Simmons, you remember that one bullet left? I thought of the perfect way you can use it.

Jack: Pffhahaha...

Back to the Doc and Caboose.

Doc: I'm here Caboose, where're you hit?

Caboose: Ah, left, let's see that makes an L with this thumb and...

Doc: I'm just gonna assume it's the bleeding one.(gets down and starts working on Caboose's foot)

Caboose: Yeah, the red one. Aeh, I can't believe Church shot me!

Church:(distance) Oh don't even start Caboose!(slight echoing)

Doc:(finish working on Caboose's foot) Anything else?

Caboose: Uh, well wha?

Doc: you've been shot in the foot. Is there anything else wrong?

Caboose: Uh...Oh, I got one. Uh,we'll, sometimes when I fall asleep at night I think about my parent's having sex,and I get really,really,mad for some reason.

Doc:...Okay I'm just gonna start with the foot.

Back to Church,Tucker,and Sheila

Tucker: Hey Dude,why aren't the Reds firing?

Church: I don't know, maybe they're outta ammo.

Sarge:(distance) Hey blues! We are giving you a chance to surrender!

Sheila: Damn, are you psychic?

Church: Sheila shut up,and surrender?

Back to the Reds

Jack: Simmons this is the most idiotic plan you have ever given to Sarge.

Sarge: I agree with Jack. But we can't change what's going down now, Jack.

Allison: Just be careful babe.

Red vs blue season 2 (male oc x sister)Where stories live. Discover now