RvB S2 E16 What's mine is yours

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Blue base
Tucker, Sheila, and Caboose are talking on the upper level of the base.

Sheila: Caboose! Are you alright?!

Tucker: Ya you were out for a long time dude. What were you even dreaming about?

Caboose: Oh, nothing I do not like to dream. I try not to think while I'm sleeping.

Sheila: Uh, that's how dreams work buddy.

Tucker: That's pretty much how you function while awake,too.

Caboose: I think consistency is important.

Church appears next to them.

Church:(T) Well, you look ok. Then again, that's just the armor. How do you feel?

Caboose: Great!...Who're you?

Church: Oh, come on! Not this again! How can you seriously not remover me?!

Caboose: Oh, of course! I remember you...you're Marvin!

Church: I'm Church!

Caboose: Hey! That's my last name! Hi! I'm Michael Caboose Church!


Caboose: And I think I would remember you...so nope you are definitely Phil.

Church: You killed my host body with Tank.

Caboose: Dave!

Church: You insulted my girlfriend. You called her a cow.

Caboose: Karen!

Tucker:(getting over his shock) Dude, he called her a slut.

Caboose: Phineas?

Church: Your whole life is based around in being my best friend.

Caboose: Wally.

Sheila: In fact, I think you're kind of obsessed with being his best friend.

Caboose: Milo?

Caboose then turns around and whispers to Tucker and Sheila(T), but it is loins enough that Church can hear it.

Caboose: Psst. The new A.I is pretty full of himself.

Church: New A.I? What the- I'm not the new A.I. I'm a fragment! She's the new A.I!(points at Sheila).

Tucker: I don't know. I kinda like it I could get used to calling you the new A.I.

Church: Oh yea? Could you get used to me beating you to death with your own fist.

Caboose, again turns to Tucker and Sheila.

Caboose: Psst. What's wrong with the A.I? He seems mad.

Church: Oh, son of a bitch.

Caboose: Susan?

Red base
Donut is seen attempting to jump onto the upper level, with Simmons watching over him from above. Donut is making grunting noises as he jumps.

Simmons: Donut, there is no way you can jump that high.

Donut pauses for a second after he lands.

Donut:(panting) Yes I can.

Donut then continues jumping, chanting "yes I can!" As he jumps. Jack, Crystal, and Grif walk up to Simmons.

Grif: What the hell is he doing?

Simmons: Losing a bet.

Crystal: Uh...What's the bet?

Simmons: If Donut "can" jump up here, I have to fix the clean the base for a month.

Donut lands back on the lower floor.

Donut: Oh, I almost got it that time! Are you sweating yet, sucker?!

Simmons: No, I won't sweat. Because I have Donut's fail attempts of this.

Jack:(shuddering) That's Just gross and mean.

Grif: You are a very disturbing person.

Simmons: Please, I'm the riches person in this god for sakes canyon.

Jack: God you can be a ass sometimes.

All of a sudden Simmons starts coughing violently coughing.

Crystal: Hey! Simmons are you alright?

Jack: Ya man ar-...wait a minute are you smoking those cheap ass cigars inside your helmet again?!

Simmons: No!

Simmons then blows out a puff of smoke from his helmet as he turns away from them.


Jack: I thought I burn all of them!

Simmons: I got a secret stash in my room!

Grif: Dammit! I knew this would happen. And how many of that French wine have you have?!

Simmons: None.


Simmons: Ok, five...or 20.

Grif turns to Jack and Crystal.

Grif: I thought you two locked the fucking liquor cabinet!

Crystal: We did!

Jack: We put fucking put super mental on the damn thing!

Grif then turns to Simmons.

Grif: Alright. That's it no more smoking and drinking! Your not going to ruin my lung and kidney the same way as yours!

Simmons: Alright fine.

Suddenly there's a loud crash coming from inside the base followed by a Yelp from Donut.

Donut: Ah! Ah! Ow! Ahhh! Jack I think you left one of your grenade launcher rounds on the ground...Grif I need your spleen!

Grif: Oh god....

Jack:(sighs) alright Donut, I'm coming down now.

Sarge and Allison then come up the ramp while Jack jumps down through the hole to help Donut were Lopez is picking up after him.

Sarge: Grif 2.0, Crystal, Simmons...uh where's Jack?

Jack:(from inside the base) In here! Me,Lopez,and Donut will be right up!

Allison: Ok! Well we kind of have a situation. From command.

Simmons: Ah, don't tell me they canceled the holiday party again! Those cheap bastards. All I wanted was one night of care-free dancing! But no! I ask you when it will be Simmons turn? When?!

Grif,Allison,Sarge,and Crystal turn to each and look back at Simmons and continues.

Sarge: Uh, actually, the problem is the Blues.

Grif: Don't tell me the Blues are bitching and complaining like always.

Allison: Uh no, they been very quite lately so we need someone to go over there and see what's going on.

Sarge: Alright who wants to go spy on the Blues?!

Red vs blue season 2 (male oc x sister)Where stories live. Discover now