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Marinette's p.o.v.

"Take that you bully" my former friend Alya spat at me having just tripped my for something I never did, but once again was blamed for by Lila.

Sure enough the drama queen was crying crocodile tears in the entryway of Lycee. I rolled my eyes at this since it was typical of her. Hawkmoth and Mayura might have been captured a little over three months ago, but  they were the least of my worries as both Gabriel and Natalie were both behind bars. Right now my problem was Lila and her herd of sheep, now I don't mean the cute cuddly ones you get wool from I mean the ones directly from the Oddesy when Oddyseyus was trapped on that cyclopes's island. "What did I supposedly do this time?" I sighed

"You texted Lila to hang herself from the Eiffel tower!" Alya screeched getting in my face

"When would I have done that?" I asked

"Not two minutes ago" Alya smugly said

"Alya I was talking to our science teacher till you rudely interrupted us so I could not have texted Lila without her seeing and knowing about it" I said looking directly at our science teacher Mr. Faux.

"She's right Miss Cesiare, she came to me asking about something she didn't understand while I was on my way out, but instead I find this detention both you and Miss Rossi for such outrageous lies and for injuring a student directly in front a teacher in my office for the next week. If you skip  out  even one day I'll just add another day. And no Miss Rossi you can't fall on your job as a so called model with Sir Agreste as he's currently in prison for the six years of terror he's done to this city. Not even traveling to another country will get you out of detention, good day ladies" Mr. Faux said before leaving me with a steaming Alya and a growling Lila.

"As he said Good day" I said before leaving the two to head to the bakery.

Once I arrived I saw that maman and papa were working as hard as ever in there ever booming business. "Hello sweetheart" Maman said as I walked in

"How was school?" Papa asked

"Just like every other day" I mumbled

My parents shared a look before looking at me. "Sweetie we've been thinking that maybe with everything that's happened that you need a break your MDC site is doing well. Would you like to move to another city away from Paris to start a fresh?" Papa asked me

I gave them a seriously look. "Jagged gave us a call along with Clara And they said they'd pay for an apartment for you where ever you decide to live"Maman said

"Thank you" I said being more than done with the lies and torment that my so called friends gave me everyday.

"Well go and do your search for where you want to live sweetheart." Papa said

I wasted no time in running to my room to research various  cities to live in as far from Paris as I possibly could. Star City wasn't that great of an idea as  the school system was corrupt and very selective. Metropolis was okay, but I didn't want to be any where near the Justice league if I could avoid it. Coast city wasn't much better. So I looked at Neo Gotham the place was in bad shape, but the schools seemed to have a ton of programs to get into. I was hesitant till I saw that the cities infamous vigleante, Batman, had returned. So I chose Gotham city to become my new home.

I filled my parents in on my decision and my reasons. Though they were less than pleased till they saw why I wanted to attend school in Gotham one school called Hamilton Hill High school had a special fashion class that incorporated various technology into fashion which I was dying to learn to do. So with a promise to call everyday they agreed to send me to Gotham city. I withdrew myself from Lycee and began to pack my things to send to the apartment. My fabrics, sketch books, and my sewing supplies went first followed by my personal items till it had all gone to Neo Gotham City. I didn't pack the Miraculous box as it was my responsability now. I placed the Miracle box in my carry on with a few other things such as my current sketchbook, pencils, a small wheel of camnbert for Plagg, and a small thing of cookies for Tikki.

Miraculous Beyond (A Batman Beyond x Miraculous Ladybug fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now