Chapter 10

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Araya was in good moods after we came back. She acted like Rapunzel when she first left her tower.

The party was still on so we had to sneak our way past guests.

"Where do you think you are coming from,jah?" A familiar voice asked.

"Nowhere mother." Araya lied.

Queen Mañana stared daggers at me but luckily not the type that she used to kill.

"We'll talk about this later." Mañana vocalized.

I gulped.

"It's not her doing mother." Araya said face down.
Mañana almost laughed.

"Child,you don't lie to me,jah?" She said.

Araya still had her face down. "Yes mother."

Seconds into our interrogation, a loud noise was heard.

The noise was identified as the taking down of the doors of the ballroom onto the ground.

Everyone turned,startled.

Apart from Mañana, she didn't move an inch, rather,her forehead became a sour red.

Infront of the doors stood a feminine creature with long hair, consistent of several colours including; blue,green,purple and pink.

Her pale long ears were carefully parted to two sections.

Her eyes were clear,she had no pupils but for some reason you knew what she was looking at.

She had long eyelids and long blue marks drawn across her eyes.

Her lips were blue and her skin fair. On her head was a pretty silver garland with a gem in the middle.

Two black little horn like things stuck out from her nostrils and she wore a black gown with pink out lines.

Her dress spread out across the floors and followed her as she slowly walked inside.

Other guests were surprised at the sudden entry.

I could see Mañana cross her fingers and turn back slowly while muttering the words. "Please don't let it be her,please don't let it be..."

The colourful yet intimidating woman went a little further into the ballroom and spoke with the voice of an annoying child.

"Someone had a party and I was not invited? Quite rude if you ask me!"

In Her Waking  [Formerly Breathe . . .]Where stories live. Discover now