Volume 3 Ep. 3 - The Ice Queen & The Dusty Old Crow

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Ozpin's Office; Dusk

"Uh!" I let out. I stare at the broken mug on the floor. My hand still holding onto its handle. "Oops..." I apologized. "Well, isn't that a coincidence." I heard Father let out. "What do you mean?" I ask him as I cleaned the contents.

"Our Dusty Old Crow has returned." Father replied. I looked up at him. "You mean Qrow is here?" I ask again as I throw the mug away. "It is exactly what I said." Father replies.

"Let's go meet him, Y/N." Father tells me. "Just in a little... I'm almost done." I tell him as I wipe the coffee. As soon as Father was waiting for the elevator, I finished cleaning the mess and walk up to him. We walk into the elevator and ride it down quietly.


"Now, now everyone." Father let out. I walked past a headless Atlesian Knight-200 as I saw the commotion around it. I looked up and saw General Ironwood, Winter, and Qrow. Penny was there, as well. A couple of students were circled around the adults.

"There is a sanctioned fight happening just around the corner at the coliseum that I can assure you has better seats. And popcorn." Father announces. "So, please, be on your way and we will take care of everything here." Father continued. Everyone did as Father says.

"Let's go." He signals to Winter and his knights. "Qrow." Father calls out to him. "A word, please." Father continues. I saw Ruby clinging onto Qrow like a child. I waved at her as she waves back. Father turns around as we make our way back to his office. 'I guess it's one of those days, hm?' I queried.

Back at Ozpin's Office>>>

"What were you think?" Winter immediately asks Qrow as we enter Father's office. "If you were one of my men, I would have you shot." General Ironwood added. "If I was one of your men, I'd shoot myself." Qrow replies as I stifled my laugh.

"While I wouldn't condone his behavior, retaliating like you did certainly didn't help the situation." Glynda commented. I stayed behind and sat on the floor. I quietly listened to them like an obedient child.

"He was drunk!" Winter commented. "He's always drunk!" Glynda emphasized. All four adults glance at Qrow, who was drinking out of his infamous flask. HE immediately stops noticing their stares.

"Qrow, why are you here?" Father sighed out. "You've been out of contact for weeks! You can't just go dark like that in the field." General Ironwood scolds. "I'm not one of your special operatives, Jimmy!" Qrow replies.

"General." Winter corrected. "Whatever. You sent me to get intel on our enemy, and I'm telling you, our enemy is here." Qrow reported. "We know." General Ironwood lets out as he leans on Father's desk.

"Oh! Oh, you know! Well, thank goodness I'm out there risking my life to keep you all informed!" Qrow shouted. "Qrow -- "

"Communication's a two-way street, pal." Qrow cuts the General off. "You see this?" He lets out and pulls out his scroll. "This is the SEND button." He pointed out.

"Schnee, we'll discuss this incident back at my ship." General tells Winter without looking at her. "But sir!" Winter lets out surprised. "Winter. Leave." General Ironwood orders her Specialist. "Yes sir." Winter salutes. She turns to away from General Ironwood and walks towards the elevator.

Winter spares a glare towards Qrow. Before she left for the elevator, she patted my head as I frowned. "I'm not a kid..." I grumbled. "Y/N, you can go back to your dorm room and rest for the remainder of your night." Father tells me.

"But -- " "Y/N, please. We're going to go over some sensitive stuff, okay?" General Ironwood cuts me off. I sighed and stood up. "Good night." I simply let out and leave Father's office.

Y/N's Dorm>>>

Tik Tik Tik

'Someone's at my window again...' I thought to myself. I stood from my chair and walk to the window. I open it as a crow lands in front of me. I stare at it as it stares back at me.

"Qrow... I'm going to go sleep..." I told the crow. The crow flies into my room. I then heard a thud. "No you're not, kid. You have your lamp on." Qrow pointed out. "Okay, you got me..." I sarcastically let out.

I watch quietly as Qrow takes out his flask and walks over to my desk. "What are these?" Qrow asks me and takes a swig of his flask. "Boredom." I replied. "You're bored while a whole festival is going on?" Qrow asks me.

"I'm a one-person team... I have to wait and I'm getting squeamish." I replied. I glance over at him and notice his weapon. "Are you and Ruby related?" I blurted out.

"Yeah, she and Yang are my niece." He lets out. "Why'd you ask?" He asks. "Oh... it's just, I saw how Ruby dangled on your arm back at the courtyard." I replied back. "You must know a lot seeing that Winter left earlier than you." Qrow commented.

"I guess you can say that..." I let out. I laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling. "What did you guys talk about?" I asked him knowing that he won't spill. "Classified, kid. But you're a smart cookie so you'll know sooner or later." Qrow answers.

It became quiet... a bit too quiet that my eyes started to shut down...


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