Volume 4 Ep. 3 - Tipping Point

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I'm not your pet, not another thing you own

I was not born guilty of your crimes

Your riches and your influence can't hold me anymore

I won't be possessed,

burdened by your royal test

I will not surrender

This life is mine

The audience applauds as Weiss Schnee concludes her song and bows. The singer looks up to the balcony above the stage left where her father and brother are watching. Jacques Schnee remains seated, not applauding, while Whitley Schnee is standing giving a slower paced, sarcastic clap.

Weiss looks back at the audience, all clapping still in their seats. She turns and walks backstage, her feigned smile replaced with a frown.

. . .

"That's precisely my point. We offer Faunus the exact same wages given to the rest of our mining staff. Their argument's completely invalid right out of the gate." Jacques Schnee talks to a Businessman.

Weiss is seen behind her father, looking at the floor with her hands primly behind her back. Whitley stands similar further behind their father, only his gaze is directly on him.

"Well, I think the bigger issue here..." The Businessman started. "Ugh." Weiss groans to herself. "...is our society as a whole." The man concluded. "Why, you mean Atlas?" Jacques scoffed.

As they converse, Weiss looks over to the largest painting on the end of the ballroom, depicting Beacon Academy with its Cross Continental Transmit tower still standing. "Atlas, Mantle... you can't deny the economic disparity between the two." The Businessman answers.

"I mean, what exactly are you suggesting?" A Businesswoman asks. Weiss starts to step away, only to have her forearm grabbed by her father, who doesn't even turn around. Weiss halts, startled.

I'm just saying I don't think it's necessarily an issue of compensation as much as it is one of opportunity..." The Businesswoman continued. "Where are you going?" Jacques asks his daughter, pulling her back and turning to face her.

"I'm... just a little thirsty." Weiss meekly answers. "Sweetheart, we have people for that." Her father tells her. He lets go of Weiss and begins to raise his arm to call over a waiter. Weiss stops him by grabbing his forearm, prompting a sideways glance from Whitley.

"What? No, I can get it. I'll be right back, I promise." Weiss tells him. The two lock gazes as the conversation next to them continues. "Look, no one asked them to move here." The Businesswoman starts.

"But companies like the SDC promised jobs." The Businessman reasoned. Jacques decided to let Weiss go and turns back to his companions. "I'm sorry, I tuned out for a second, but sounds like I'm the good guy again?" Jacques chuckles.

Weiss moves across the room to look at the painting of Beacon Academy. She has barely reached it when a young man speaks to her. "It's beautiful." The young man pauses. "You two match." He complimented.

Weiss stands with her arms crossed, maintaining a cold expression throughout most of the conversation. "Yes, it's a lovely painting." She played along. "So, that was my attempt at breaking the ice. How am I doing so far?" The young man asks the Ice Queen.

"You are leaving a lot to be desired." Weiss sighed out. "Well, I've always appreciated honesty," The young man tells her. "Henry. Marigold." He introduced himself with the offer of his hand.

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