Volume 4 Ep. 1 - The Next Step

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"I'm just sayin'..." A voice let out. Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren emerge from behind a tree, walking together. "...there's more members of JNPR in this team than RWBY. It just makes sense to go with that one." Nora defended.

"But junior isn't a color." Ren countered. "How can I be clear?" Nora groaned. Nora puts out her hands and the imaginary letters JNRR pop into existence. She points to the first three letters.

"One, two, three. That's more than one." Nora counted. "But we're helping Ruby with her objective." Ren reasoned as he holds out his hand and the letters RNJR pop into existence.

Behind Ren, Jaune Arc is crouched and watching something. "Wouldn't that make her the leader?" Ren asks pointing at the first R. "Guys!" Jaune shouts to his teammates.

Ren and Nora turn to him. "We need to focus." He redirected his teammates. "Also, JNRR is way cooler." Jaune shared his opinion. "Exactly!" Nora exclaimed.

Ren goes to speak, but instead just groans. Then... a rumble shook the ground. "It's here." Jaune lets out. In the distance, Ruby Rose is seen flying backward from trees, firing Crescent Rose in the direction she came from.

A collection of floating boulders with a Grimm mask moves the trees aside, clearly chasing her. Ruby falls and crashes against tree limbs along the way.

"Bad... landing... strategy!" Ruby groaned out and finally lands on a big tree branch. Then, she uses her semblance to fly past the Geist Grimm. On the ground, Jaune, Ren, and Nora look up at the sight before them.

"Let's get that thing off her." Jaune tells her teammates. He runs towards Ruby and the Grimm. Ren jumps up into the trees. "Don't forget me!" Nora exclaimed and takes out her grenade launcher.

She shoots at the ground, propelling herself into the air with excited whooping. She lands beside Ren in his branch. "We need to draw its attention away from Ruby!" Ren pointed out.

"Could use some help!" Ruby shouts to the rest of her teammates as she flies past them. Nora shoots the Geist in the back. Ren hops around on branches.

The Grimm then attempts to hit Ren. But he runs up its rock arm, flies into the air, and comes down upon the Geist, striking at it with StormFlower. The results were ineffective.

"Gotta get closer!" Jaune tells himself out loud. Ren lands beside Jaune. "My blades don't hurt him!" Ren complained. The Grimm turns, standing upright. "Crap!" Nora lets out. "How about this?!" Ruby shouts at the Grimm and shoot it with an electric dust bullet.

Electric bolts encase one of the Grimm's arms. The red lines on the arm glow brighter, and the Grimm slams it into the ground. All are sent flying backward, but Ren, Nora, and Ruby manage to land on their feet. Jaune, on the other hand, tumbles along the ground painfully until he hits a boulder between his legs and falls forward.

"You'll be fine without a weapon. You're the strategist." Jaune mimicked his teammates. "That's it!" Nora exclaims out of nowhere. She runs forward, tossing her launcher into the air and transforming it into hammer mode.

She jumps into the air and hits the Grimm, breaking its arm apart. A large piece flies straight toward Nora, but Ruby gets between them and knocks it away. The Geist uses its other arm to strike at the two girls.

Jaune straightens from his fall and stretches. Suddenly, he was forced to dodge a barrage of rocks. "Wha? Whoa! Wha? Ho!" Jaune lets out at each dodge of a rock. "Hey! Be careful!" Jaune warns.

Then, a rock the size of his head hits him in the face and sends him into a tree. Jaune lands in a crouch and shakes his head to clear the pain. The Geist continually tries and fails to hit an evasive Nora. Jaune regains his balance and stands up and looks at the Grimm.

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