four ; secrets

970 38 2

June 15th, 2015

"Its not that I was trying to snoop through his phone, it's just he had a message and another one and more and..I don't know." I rant on and on to Naomi, running my free hand through my hair. Its been awhile since Austin and I were on good terms, he's been coming home later and later and later then usual. Sometimes he doesn't even come home. I'm just probably over reacting.

I wasn't. I wish I was, but I wasn't.

"Maybe he's just in the studio! Don't jump to conclusions, he's probably working on his album." "What album? It released already! He hasn't been called in from the studio in a long time. What if he-"

"Cassandra. Don't jump to conclusions."

I sighed, continuing. "With a baby on the way, which I haven't told Austin yet about, I feel less and less, I don't know how to describe it. I feel like he doesn't trust me."

then the phone call ended

I pulled my shirt up, revealing my flat stomach, a disgusted look on my face as I saw the tiny bit of weight I was gaining. I'm always in shape, I don't like being chubby, or slightly overweight. It might just be my self confident, it might not.

I just don't like being anything else of what I am. Yeah, I don't have a thigh gap or noticeable hip bones, slightly collar bones but I'm okay with that.

I opened my drawer, revealing the white stick again.

both pink lines.

I still couldn't believe I was pregnant, at such a young age too. "What are you doing you weirdo?" I hear Austin say, turning around to see him laying down, just looking at me as I slip the white stick back under all my underwear, closing the drawer.

"Nothing babe, what are you doing home? Wait, let me rephrase that; aren't you suppose to be with Alex today?" "Well I kinda wanted to spend the day with you but if you don't wa-" "I'm alright babe, what do you wanna do?" I say, interrupting him. "Hmmm, let's pretend to be tourist today?" I smiled hugely, my eyes practically popping out of their sockets.

"YES YES YES!!" Austin chuckled, kissing my forehead. "I'm gonna go get ready, you too, and then we just meet each other downstairs once were done." Austin says, standing up from the bed, making his flat butt way to the bathroom.

God I'm so in love with him.

I went and grabbed some teal looking shorts, a white shirt that had a smiley face in it, and my black tank top along with undergarments, making my way over to our other bathroom, getting ready.

Today should be very eventful.


It wasn't as great as I thought it would be. Austin was completely ignoring me, more on his phone then anything. You could see him laugh here and there, but not because of the silly things that would come out of my mouth,

it was his phone and whoever was texting him.

We continued to walk down the streets of Miami, pointing and seeing things, the paparazzi catching many pictures of us. I held Austin's right hand while walking, pointing out different things as if he were listening.

Yanno what sucks about being neglected from your loved one? Everything. Everything sucks about it. No one should ever be neglected. Ever. And I guess, today I just experienced it and it's not fun. At all.

"Sky!" I hear Austin yell, escaping my grasp, hugging a tall girl with dark purple hair. "Austin! You never told me you came back to Miami!" I kinda just stood there till deciding I should just fetch a taxi, which I did end up doing, Austin not even noticing.

I bet if I were to hang out with guys it'd be a different story with him. Asshole

Once got to the house, I raced up the stairs, putting away my purse and shoes, going back into bed with my outfit still on. I turned on my phone to see if Austin ever texted me, or honestly bothered to care if I were safe or not, and saw nothing.

Hope he has a great time with "Sky" that son of a bitch. No, he's just an asshole, why insult Michele when she's done nothing wrong?

Screw him, screw you Austin Carter Mahone.

Might as well fucking cut off the engagement while you're at it.


Sorry for such short chapter, needed a filler so the next chapter can be big.
Thoughts on Caustin?
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sincerely yours truly

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