nine ; baby

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•short update•

Austin M. //

I still couldn't process everything clearly, after hearing the news that Cassandra had a miscarriage, I felt so weak and vulnerable. Not only that,

There was two infants in her stomach.

How did this, why did this, who did this, nothing is making sense.

“Mr.Mahone, can I see you for a moment." I look up at meet eyes with the doctor, rushing to him. “Any news, Dr-uh-" I read his name plate quickly, replying “Dr.Fern?" “Cassandra hasn't woken up yet, when she does, take it easy. We removed the-dead fetuses from her stomach, so she will be in pain." I cringed, smiling a weak smile before making my way back down.

“this, this is all..all my fault." I speak, Robert rubbing my back supportively. “Everything gonna be alright man, sure it's very sad. Shit, I could've been an uncle. But stuff happens, depressing, happy, things happen for a reason. Everything happens for a reason." He smiles weakly at me before dropping his gaze back onto the floor, I remain to sulk and try my best not to breakdown.

Its honestly such a horrible feeling knowing you could've had a family, could've.. could've had a baby girl or a baby boy. And just like that, they're taken from you.

Several Hours Later

Cassandra V. //

Eyes opened I take in my surroundings, baby blue room with white furniture. An IV and several other things attached to me, I suddenly having an unpleasant feeling.

“Good you're awake! I'll bring in Austin." I hear a doctor say, I turning to him with a what the hell? face.

What is going on?

Several moments afterwards Austin comes into the room looking like a total mess-but such a handsome mess as well.

“How are you baby?" “Tired. Kinda nauseous." I reply chuckling, him lightly smiling, his ba-




I look at Austin with a nervous look, my hands running to my stomach, instantly feeling a painful feeling. He gets nervous and anxious, I confused.

I lift the covers up to see stitches around my stomach, tears immediately coming from my eyes. WHAT THE HELL  IS GOING ON?!

“They.. our two children, they're gone." I immediately break down and start pulling the wires off of me, trying to stand up and leave the room but get an overwhelm of pain come over me, stopping me. I start screaming and yelling, doctors and nurses rushing into the room, pushing Austin out, attaching a mask over my face to calm me, laying  me back down after finally calming me down.

My, my babies. Babies?! I had two ?!

My, my children, they're .. they're.

Gone . Forever. I'll never get to experience having children.. I'll never be able to buy them clothes, or take them shopping, or have a meal with them or ... or hold them and kiss them and tell them hoe much I love them BECAUSE THEY WERE FUCKING TAKEN AWAY FROM ME THEY WERE SELFISHLY TAKEN AWAY FROM ME MY FUCKING CHILDREN MY BABIES ARE FUCKING GONE AND SOMEONE IS RESPONSIBLE SOMEONE IS

I wanted this so badly. . And now, I'll never have it.

I'll never be a mother.

Because my.. My babies... they're gone forever.


I'm sorry dolls I haven't updated in a gazillion years I rlly am but I'm back and better than ever so do a lil happy dance for  Me okay



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