Chapter eight, old friends.

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Nie Huaisang and Wei Wuxian were bickering again, friendly fire though. Chuckling slightly, Wei Ying moved bushes and branches away that were about to hit him. Nie Huaisang pulled the list out from his robes as his arm ached from carrying both bags.

"You know... I think we'll be able to find Wormwood here, it's the type of place it grows." He pointed out and Wei Ying nodded, "You know what it looks like right?" He asked.

Wei Ying nodded, "Mhn, I grew up around water and forests, of course, I do." He somewhat boasted, looking around for the plant. At that Nie giggled.

"How many times will you boast about growing up in Lotus Pier in one lifetime?" He asked jokingly but Wei Ying pouted and folded his arms, scanning the ground.

"As many times as I can! Besides, I've already died twice so really I've lived like... Three lives..." Wei Ying laughed at himself, "One life before I mastered demonic cultivation, one life after I mastered demonic cultivation, and finally this one after I died for sixteen years."

Nie Huaisang nodded, "You've like a cat, you've got nine lives." The two shared a comfortable chuckle, "No matter what you just keep fucking coming back!" By the end of his sentence, he was on the floor laughing.

Despite it not being that funny the two were most likely sleep-deprived... everything seems funny when they're sleep-deprived. When Wei Ying found the plant after an hour of looking the two resumed their journey.

Wei Ying held his own hand, moving his thumb over the ring Lan Zhan proposed to him with. The thought of being back home was crushing. He just wanted to go home to his Lan Zhan and if this is what it took then so be it.

Taking a deep breath, he marched forward with determination. They didn't have that many ingredients left, granted it would take a while to get them but no matter what they were going home.

It was a long journey, along the way they were able to get a few more ingredients such as Wormwood, Rosemary, Dragon Root, and Cypress.

"Nie," Wei began, "Do you think Lan Zhan is suffering too much?" He asked and Nie froze a little.

"Brother-Wei..." Nie Huaisang tread carefully, "I think he would be working tirelessly to find you... I should make a grand apology..." He mumbled the last part but Wei Ying heard it nonetheless.

Wei Ying smirked, "That is if you live to say 'I'm sorry' in the first place." He teased and at that Nie paled.

"D-Do you t-think he'll k-k-kill me?" He stuttered, shivering a little. Wei Ying pursed his lips to hide his laughter.

Wei shrugged, "I guess we'll find out." He said nonchalantly before walking ahead, a freaked out and fearful Nie Huaisang following.

Wei Ying stood close to Nie so he could close his eyes and think without falling over. If Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen were willing to help them then he'd be going home. Back to his Lan Zhan.

"Lan Zhan! " The memory echoed in his head.

Lan Zhan turned around, his stomach erupting in butterflies at the sight of his love running towards him. Wei Ying smiled, his Lan Zhan was shivering but not from the cold of the Cold Spring.

Wei Ying kicked off his shoes and de-robed himself before shaking his way to Lan Zhan. Lan Zhan smiled slightly before pulling the other into his chest to warm him up.

That's how they stayed for a while, just in each other's arms. After a while Wei Ying pulled back and ran his palms down the side of Lan Zhan's head, brushing through his hair. Wei Ying smiled, Lan Zhan is the most beautiful thing he's ever seen. The two had a habit of losing time, just staring at each other.

Chuckling, Wei Ying placed a kiss on the other's lips. Humming he pulled back, his face was full of love for Lan Zhan whose eyes were gentle for him. Shivering a little, Wei Ying began to talk. "Lan Zhan~" He smiled, "Do you have any important clan duties today or... are you all mine?" Wei Ying asked, his tone teasing.

Lan Zhan tightened his arms around Wei Ying's waist, "No clan duties." He answered, moving forward to peck Wei's neck. At the feeling, Wei Ying smiled, "Ah Lan Zhan..."

His tone was teasing as he moved away, however, the mischief vanished when Lan Zhan looked at him with the most desperate, delicate expression. Wei Ying smiled softly, "I love you."

Lan Zhan froze for a moment, expecting mischief but instead, Wei Ying confessed his love. Wuxian laughed out loud at the sight of Lan Zhan frozen, "Eh? You didn't know?" He chuckled, his arms sat on Lan Zhan's shoulders, rubbing the top of his back a little in affection.

Lan Zhan looked away and shook his head a little, "I knew. I know." He met Wei's eyes, "And I love you too." His lips uplifted in a little smile before pushing himself into Wei Ying's chest. Many may assume that Lan Zhan is a stoic partner, a dominant partner but... Wei knows better.

Lan Zhan loves comfort, his comfort. At night when Lan Zhan holds him, he knows that when he tucks his face in Lan Zhan's neck and pulls him close that Lan Zhan feels safe.

Lan Zhan loves him.

Wei Ying sighed, brought back to reality by the rustling of branches and crunching of leaves. The wind caressed his face as Nie Huaisang stared at him, staring at the longing, pain, and determination in his eyes.

We Ying sighed again before turning to his friend, "Nie, how long until we find Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen?" He asked, looking around at the darkening sky.

Nie shrugged, "Some point in the early morning I assume when we reach the general area they night-hunted in I bet it won't take long for us to find them." He answered and Wei Ying groaned.

"This is boring..." He mumbled, "Why would you drag me into the past and not bring Lan Zhan with us?... He teased.

Nie Huaisang huffed, "How many times do I have to say I didn't mean too!" He questioned, hiding behind his fan.

Wei Ying grumbled, tapping his nose before folding his arms, "For the same amount of seconds I've had to sit in your presence and listen to you whine." He looked away to hide his smirk and Nie Huaisang began to loudly defend himself.

The two walked until their legs ached, until they were shaking with the cold of the night, their teeth were chattering and they couldn't see the path in front of them because of the dark. Wei Ying bent down and felt for a branch, something he could defend them with if they ran into something.

Upon finding a worthy one he stood back up and continued to walk with Nie Huaisang. Wei Ying squinted at the darkness, the world barely illuminated by the moonlight.

The world was peaceful, the two waiting for something, that is until a growl caught their attention. Wei Ying gasped, using his instinct to step back, one arm pushed Nie behind him and the other swung the branch.

After hearing a groan he swung again, however, this time the branch broke.

Cursing the two walked back as the puppet edged toward them. It continued to advance, swinging its fists as the two dodged. Nie Huaisang abruptly yelled, when Wei Ying bumped into his chest he realised they had hit a tree. Turning around he looked for an exit before turning back, however, a fist was about to hit his face.

Closing his eyes, it was a flash of light and dark that saved them.

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