xlll. trip to hogsmeade

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"Now remember! These visits to Hogsmeade are a privilege! Should your behavior make the school look foolish in any way your privilege should be taken away

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"Now remember! These visits to Hogsmeade are a privilege! Should your behavior make the school look foolish in any way your privilege should be taken away." Professor McGonagall announced, watching over the students who all shook with anticipation to go to the Wizard town called Hogsmeade.

Tori stood in that crowd, giggling with Alicia. The students were dismissed, lead away to the carriages. "We're going to Zonko's!" Fred shouted, jumping into a carriage. Tori grinned, taking a seat across from him. The twins and Lee talked excitedly about the joke shop and all the things they would buy.

"We have to go to the Three Broomsticks! I heard the butterbeer is fantastic!" Angelina watched the carriages ahead started
to move.

"I want to go to Honeydukes," Tori admitted, feeling the jerk of her carriage. "Okay, so...
Zonko's first, then Honeydukes, and then the Three Broomsticks?" The group nodded in agreement, watching as they passed the forbidden forest.

"Do you think it will be cold? I probably should have brought a jacket." Alicia wondered aloud, making Tori shiver as well. She was wearing her Weasley sweater from last year and a pair of jeans. She was hoping she'd be warm enough.

The ride to the village was filled with excited chatter about the day ahead of them. Tori felt her money rattle against each other in her pockets as the carriage bumped over a rock in the road.

The twins were still going on about the joke shop when they reached the outside of the village. The group rushed towards the windows, watching the town come closer from the distance.

The little town looked like a winter wonderland, and there wasn't even any snow. Holly wreaths were on every door, welcoming the thought of Christmas. Travelers went from place to place, going in and out of shops with any bags.

The doors opened, freeing the students inside. Tori was the last to get out, teachers ushering them together. They went over their speech again, telling them all to be on their best behavior.

The twins only seemed to find that funny and were the first to yank their friends away when they were all dismissed. "Bloody hell! You're going to take my arm out of its socket!" Tori hissed, careful not to trip over her own feet.

Fred stopped suddenly, causing Tori to crash into him. He wasn't phased in the slightest by this, staring up at the red building ahead of them like it was the holy ground he would worship. In a way, it was.

The Weasley Twins watched the building in awe. Tori chuckled, putting her hand on both of their shoulders. "So, are we just going to stand out here or?"

"Shh. Let me soak it in... okay, let's go!" The group entered the small joke shop, glancing around the place in wonder. The shelves were lined up with serval toys or objects that Filch would definitely love to ban.

"Dungbombs, Hiccough Sweets, Frog Spawn Soap, Sugar Quills, and Nose-Biting Teacups." Tori walked along only one of the walls, reading the titles of each product lined up neatly.

Alicia wrinkled her nose, pulling a box of Stink Pellets off a table nearby. Fred and George were going wild, moving a mile a minute all around the shop. They blabbered endlessly, mainly to each other. It was a bit hard to understand as the talked quickly.

Tori glanced at Angelina, who was also laughing. Boys.

The spent another thirty minutes shopping, Tori considered buying a couple of sugar quills but decided against it. She was waiting to go to Honeyduke's anyway.

The three girls had to yank the boys out to the joke shop. "C'mon. We're leaving now!" Angelina yelled, waving goodbye to the kind cashier. "I'll grab you by the hair!" She threatened George. Tori had to grab Fred's hand to grab his attention.

"Come on," Tori told Fred, grabbing his bags. Angelina was still threatening George by the time everyone else was headed to Honeyduke's. "Don't test my patience, George Weasley!"

Tori laughed to herself, Alicia tagged her and the two of them raced off towards the buildings. Tori reached to tag Alicia and began running once more. Alicia shouted something after the girl, but Tori was too far ahead to hear.

She glanced back over her shoulder seeing Alicia bent over, gasping. Tori laughed to herself once more before running full speed into someone. She retaliated, bouncing back onto her bottom.

She was about to apologize when it was Avalon who turned to look at her. Tori felt her mouth run dry, absolutely speechless. Avalon glanced down at her with an annoyed expression running across his face.

"Watch where you're going." He told her, stalking off with his group. Tori watched him leave, sighing. Great.

"Are you okay?" Fred and George came over to her sides quickly, helping her up. Tori nodded, brushing any dirt off her jeans. "I'm fine. Let's just go before we run out of time."

✧    ✦    ✧

"Let me know if you need anything else." Madam Rosmerta smiled at Tori and her friends while handing them their ordered butterbeer.

The group thanked the women as she left, taking one of the glasses. "Well, bottoms up," Lee announced, he began taking a huge gulp.

Tori took a sip as well, and it was... really good! "Oh wow. That's... amazing." Alicia glanced at the glass filled with the delicious liquid. Tori agreed, taking another sip.

"No wonder this place is so crowded." Angelina glanced around at the inn. It was warm with a small smell of smoke in the air from some wizards cigars. It was clean and felt welcoming to all the students who sat inside.

Tori recognized a lot of students inside, all talking and laughing. Tori turned back to her friends, who were all talking about Fred and George's new prank ideas.

"Reckon we should set a fanged frisbee on Filch?" Fred asked, licking some of the whipped cream off his finger. "Maybe give him a nice set of Frog Spawn Soap?" Lee suggested.

"If anything, that will make him smell better." Tori chuckled, smiling into her drink. Alicia snorted and was quick to cover her mouth in surprise. "Woah, what was that?" Lee raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, shut up!" Alicia glared are him. Her face went red with embarrassment. Tori laughed loudly, causing the others to join in. Even Alicia did.

"You... guys are weird."

this chapter was hard to write for some reason

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this chapter was hard to write for some reason...

i dunno why.

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