cix. christmas eve

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The Yule Ball was drawing closer, but Tori still didn't have a date

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The Yule Ball was drawing closer, but Tori still didn't have a date. It seemed that ever since Fred had asked Angelina, both Fred and Tori had stopped speaking to each other unless they had to. Tori missed him if she was being completely honest. But she was too stubborn to say anything.

"The first dance starts with the champions. I wonder what they're all wearing... Tori, are you even listening to me?" Tori shook herself, looking up an annoyed Angelina from her plate of food. "Sorry. Carry on." All anyone could talk about was the Yule Ball as the day drew closer. Tori closed her eyes, resting her head on her hand.

"Anyways, aren't you excited? I heard they booked the Weird Sisters. It's going to be—"

"I'm not going," Tori said finally, surprising herself. She had considered it but wasn't sure yet. It seems all the talk about it had made her snap. Angelina looked as if she had just demolished their friendship.

George looked up as well. "What? Why not?"

"I don't have anyone to go with," Tori said slowly, not meeting anyone's eyes.

Fred piped up, looking confused. "What do you mean you don't have anyone to go with?" Tori gave him an annoyed stare. "It's pretty self-explanatory, is it not?"

"Aren't you going with Cedric?" Lee asked, he and George glanced at each other. Tori furrowed her eyebrows together. "No. Where did you hear that?"

The group went silent. Tori rolled her eyes, not even wanting to know the answer. "Whatever. Besides, I'm behind on potions. So I won't have time to be dancing." She wiped her mouth, getting up and walking out of the great hall without another word.

✧ ✦ ✧

"You're staring again."

"No. I'm not."

"Yes, you are. It's okay to be jealous, Tori." Cedric chuckled, sipping his butterbeer.

"I'm not jealous," Tori replied, staring over at the booth in the corner of The Three Broomsticks. It was yet another Hogsmeade trip, and Tori had joined Cedric since she was trying to avoid anyone who'd talk to out of not going. The twins and Lee were all sitting with a load of Beauxbatons girls, who were all laughing at whatever George had just said.

"Why would I be? I mean, of course, those girls want to hang out with them. I mean the twins are hilarious, and Lee's... Lee. And those girls are gorgeous, I mean they make butterflies appear when they dance, and they're french. They're exotic... and gorgeous..."

"You haven't mentioned that they're gorgeous." Cedric grinned watching Tori groan, hiding her face in her arms. "Come on, Tori. Don't get all mopy! Smile."

He poked her gently several times until he heard a small laugh. He continued to poke her shoulder. "Smile, Tori! Come on, smile." She flashed him a big smile before taking another sip of her butterbeer. "So... You and Cho Chang are going, right? How's that?"

Cedric went a little red, glancing at the door. "Good. She said yes." Tori jumped in her seat, squealing. "I told you! I told you! Awe, adorable! Do you have your dress robes?"

"Yeah. My dad got them for me. He claims he wants me to look 'the best of the best.'" He mocked his father's voice, causing Tori to laugh. "Yeah, that sounds about right."

"So... you're not going? Are you sure about that?" Tori sighed, shrugging. "I guess. I doubt anyone's available last minute..."

"And you refuse to talk to Fred?"

"He's not talking to me. Not the other way around."

"Mhm. Alright. I'm paying. To help cheer you up. You owe me, though."

✧ ✦ ✧

The night of Christmas Eve was filled with nerves and excitement. Tori sat cross-legged on her bed, watching her friends twirl in their dresses. "Stunning!" Tori clapped loudly, watching Alicia. "Lee's going to love it!"

"You think so?" Alicia asked, taking another look in the mirror at herself. "Are you kidding? Of course, he will!" Tori replied, grabbing one of her books at the clock showed seven forty-five.

"Is there nothing we can do to convince you into coming?" Angelina asked her, a frown upon her face. Tori shook her head. "I've made up my mind, but have fun! Enjoy it!" The three girls hugged her goodbye and rushed out, giggling the entire way. Tori smiled to herself, a bit sadly as she opened her defense against the dark arts book.

The room was awfully quiet after ten minutes, so Tori decided to go sit by the fire. She'd have better light anyway. She walked down the girl's staircase to see George standing there in his dress robes.

"Finally." He said. "I thought I was going to have to call out for you. Are you seriously going to sit in here and read?" George asked her, a look of doubt grew on his face. "I'm working... what are you even—"

"Alright. I'm going to talk, and you're going to listen. Okay? Now, do you really think I'm going to let you miss out on this? This is a one-time thing! I know I'm not my brother... oh don't give me that look, he's been in love with you since our first year. But I'm not letting you miss out. So, you're going to go with me. Now go get ready."


"Go, Tori. Go."

She pursed her lip, considering this. "Fine. Fine." She turned, leaving her textbook on the couch and climbing the stairs. She shut herself into the dorm room quickly getting herself dressed. She hadn't returned Molly's dress yet, maybe she was hoping something like this would happen. Tori smiled to herself slipping into it and using her wand to curl the ends of her hair.

She spent five minutes before making her way back down. "Well... how do I look?" She asked George, spreading her arms out. "It's going to make Fred, very jealous," George smirked.

Tori laughed, slipping her arm in his as they walked out of the portrait. "We're coming in so late. Don't you think people will stare?"

"Well of course they'll stare. The most attractive person just entered the room." Tori raised an eyebrow, while he patted her arm.

"Oh, don't worry Tori, you'll be there too."

"Oh. Great!"

it's happening!!!

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