cxiv. bewitched sleep

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Alicia and Angelina have been desperate to try and get any more information from Tori about how she and Fred were suddenly friends again

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Alicia and Angelina have been desperate to try and get any more information from Tori about how she and Fred were suddenly friends again. But Tori refused to say anything.

It was drawing near and near to the second task each day, and more and more people began to get excited once again. It was all anyone could talk about, besides the fact who had cracked their egg's code.

The night before the task, Tori came down to the common room to see Harry, Ron, and Hermione all sitting on the couch. She plopped on the sofa next to Hermione, immediately noticing the frustration on Harry's face.

"What's up, Little Bro?"

"I can't get this spell right. And I need it for tomorrow's task..."

"What spell is it? Maybe I can help." She offered, glancing over Hermione's shoulder at the book she had. Tori made a face. "Who on earth wants to make their nose hair grow into ringlets?"

"I wouldn't mind," said Fred's voice. "Be a talking point, wouldn't it?"

They all looked up to see Fred and George had just emerged from outside the portrait. Tori chuckled, glancing back into Hermione's book.

'What do you want?" Ron asked. "We're looking for you,' said George. "McGonagall wants you, Ron. Tori, and Hermione."

"Why?" Hermione asked, looking surprised "Dunno..." Fred admitted. "She was looking a bit grim, though,"

"We're supposed to take you down to her office," George replied, looking oddly at the three of them.

Confused, Tori glanced at Hermione for any sign of understanding but she didn't seem to get why either.

"I'll help you out when I get back." She told Harry, patting him on the shoulder. She rose up, following the twins out with Ron and Hermione not too far behind.

"What did you two do this time?" Tori asked them impatiently, crossing her arms. "We didn't do anything!" George said quickly.

"Well, I didn't do anything. And most of the time it's you two."

"What if we had just turned over a new leaf? Started fresh? We're people Tori!" Fred sighed dramatically. "Yeah. I'm totally not buying that act for a second."

"You've outgrown our jokes!" He cried, shaking Tori's arm several times. "Alright! You're going to give me a bloody migraine."

"You two fight like an old married couple," George muttered, turning past some noisy paintings. Fred and Tori immediately flushed, going silent as they continued down the hall.

"What?" George said abruptly. "No, 'be quiet, George?' no glaring? What's wrong with you two?"

Luckily for Tori, they had arrived at McGonagall's office. Unluckily for Fred, he had to walk all the way back with George. Tori waited for Hermione and Ron to catch up before waving goodbye to the twins.

There was one other girl Tori recognized as a Beauxbatons student. She had the same shimmery hair, and Tori figured this must be Gabrielle Delacour, Fleur's sister.

McGonagall stood with Professor Dumbledore, who was whispering quietly to Madame Maxime and Professor Karkaroff. Mr. Crouch stood alone in the corner. Dumbledore noticed them come in, gesturing them to a seat.

Tori and Hermione glanced at each other before sitting in front of McGonagall's desk. Fred was right. She looked quite grim.

"You're probably wondering why you are all here." Dumbledore spread his arms out towards them. Tori refrained from saying something sarcastic. She had a feeling Dumbledore would find it funny, but she wasn't so sure the other Headmasters would enjoy it too much.

"Congratulations." He continued. "You four have been chosen to participate in the second task for the Triwizard tournament." Tori waited for him to say he was joking, but he didn't.

"But... you already have champions," Tori said, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion. Dumbledore nodded. "In the last clue, the champions learned they would have to retrieve a treasured possession—"

"We're the possessions the mermaids have to steal?" Hermione interrupted. Dumbledore nodded.

"The second task has the champions retrieve their stolen items from the Black Lake." Ludo Bagman stepped forward. Tori hadn't even realized he was there.

Fleur's sister stifled a gasp.

"But... how will we breathe?" Ron was glancing at the three girls now, hoping he wasn't the only one who found this mental.

Dumbledore only smiled. "You four will have many spells out over you for protection from the lake and the creatures in it. You will be unconscious during the task. Think of it as a refreshing nap. Can all of you swim?"

The group nodded, but the younger girl seemed to hesitate. McGonagall eyed Tori suspiciously, most likely remembering her first year.

"I can now!" Tori protested quietly.

"Each of you has been assigned to a champion." It was Mr. Crouch's turn to speak. "Mr. Weasley, your champion is Mr. Potter. Ms. Granger, Mr. Krum. Ms. Silvers, Mr. Diggory, and Ms. Delacour, your sister."

The room was silent as everyone tried to process this. Tori wasn't confident in Cedric, but this still scared her. "What happens if our champions don't reach us in time?"

Dumbledore seemed to have pondered this for some time before saying, "We have measures in case that is the case." But his face seemed to say "let's hope that doesn't happen."

"Very reassuring," Tori muttered. Gabrielle spoke up, looking rather worried towards Madame Maxime. "Zis won't hurt... right?"

"It will be just like falling asleep. Which is a case, you are. You will be awoken once to have reached the surface where you will be pulled towards the judges' table." McGonagall said, she didn't seem thrilled with the idea, and her Scottish accent was thick with dissatisfaction.

The group of students all nodded hesitantly. But there didn't seem to be a way to get out of it. All precautions seemed to be taken. "Is everyone ready?" Mr. Couch said, taking out his wand.

Tori glanced at Hermione and Ron, who nodded before turning her attention to Gabrielle. The young girl nodded as well.

"Close your eyes." He said slowly putting them into a bewitched sleep.

i 👁 tried 😫 to 🚷 sleep 😴 💤 🛏 but 🛑 my 🤩 head 👩🏻 was 👇🏻 underwater💦

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i 👁 tried 😫 to 🚷 sleep 😴 💤 🛏
but 🛑 my 🤩 head 👩🏻 was 👇🏻 underwater💦

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