lvvx. the fat lady

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The twins were running wild around Zonko's, practically jotting down everything the store had in stock

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The twins were running wild around Zonko's, practically jotting down everything the store had in stock. Fred and George have gotten very excited about the idea to create their own joke materials. They started brainstorming right away, and Lee said to take note of what Zonko's offered so they couldn't copy any ideas.

It was the chilly afternoon of October Thirty First. The streets of Hogsmeade were filled with students and teachers all wrapped up and excited for their first trip of the year. Third years skipped down the street, unsure where they wanted to start. Tori had just came back from Honeydukes with a load of candy with Angelina.

The boys were still inside the joke shop, muttering to themselves as they started selecting things to buy. "What are they doing?" Angelina whispered to Tori, picking up a box of Non-explodable, luminous balloons.

Tori only shrugged. Tori and Lee agreed not to tell anyone about the twins' idea until it was in full swing. They didn't want to get the word out and have it be shut down before it could even start.

"Well can they hurry up? Alicia said she'd save us a table, but it won't last long." Tori nodded, running up to Lee and telling him the news. The boy nodded, whispering to the twins while they made their purchase.

"Got everything?" Tori asked, glancing down into their full bags. They all nodded eagerly, following them out of the shop. Tori spotted Ron and Hermione when they entered the three broomsticks and waved towards them. She didn't see Harry but wasn't given time to talk to them.

"Finally." Alicia sighed, getting up to let Lee through the booth. "I've gotten so many dirty looks from groups who wanted this spot. What took you all so long?"

"Zonko's," Angelina muttered as she took her seat. The twins shrugged innocently. "Who's turn is it to pay? Oh, and not it!" Lee asked, immediately putting his hand off the table. Tori chuckled, remembering last year.

"I think it's my turn." She admitted, pulling out a few silver coins. She counted out her money, glancing up at the people around her. "Where's Katie? Is she not coming today?"

"No, she's hanging out with Leanne and Cho," Alicia informed them as Tori ordered their drinks.

The rest of the time at Hogsmeade was pretty uneventful. Lee tried to steal three of Tori's Acid Pops from her bag, claiming he was hungry. He then took her scarf causing her to chase him. "Lee!" She yelled after him, chasing him down a twisty unfamiliar road.

The boy was laughing, and Tori was too. She managed to catch up to him, glad that Wood making the team do laps around the field finally paid off. She grabbed his shoulder, bumping into him before they both tumbled in the grass. The two burst into laughter, noticing that the others were pretty far behind.

"Hey! The Shrieking Shack!" Lee pointed to the large building a top of the hill. Tori glanced up, surprised. She had never been this close to the torn down shack.

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