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Tori was confused

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Tori was confused.

Well, if that didn't sum up her entire life, she didn't know what did.

Waking up in a hospital wing bed wasn't even the most confusing part. She wasn't sure how she even arrived there, let alone why she was there. She glanced around the room, seeing other students get up as well. They looked around confused, some even clutching their heads.

Tori tried to get out of bed but was instructed by a very proud Madam Pomfrey to sit tight while Dumbledore was going to tell them what had happened. Tori tried to rack her brain for memory, she remembered leaving the library... and the mirror, and the basilisk!

Hermione must have thought the same because her eyes quickly widened as she glanced in between Tori and Penelope. She looked like she was about to say one when Professor Dumbledore arrived. He smiled warmly at each student. Tori took note that is fashion choices of long purple cloaks had not changed during the long period.

"We are very glad to welcome all of you back. Before I explain what happened, I have a few things to address. Some of you have been out longer than others, but it is now June twenty-seventh."

June twenty-seventh? Tori had been out for almost four months! Not only that, but she was also fifteen...

"I know that may come to you as alarming, but we promise to help each of you get back on track. Each one of you has been returned from petrification by both Madam Pomfrey and Professor Sprout's mandrake antidote. How you were put in this petrification was caused by a basilisk, which had now been taken care of and is no longer a threat."

There was a relieved sigh through the wing.

"You will be joining your classmates shortly for the feast. Madam Pomfrey had a few more instructions for you all. I will see you all there." With that, the Headmaster smiled, walking out of the large brown doors.

Madam Pomfrey had them do some exercises to wake their muscles up. Some of the kids, like Colin Creevey, who's been petrified since November struggled more than the others. Tori's arms ached by the time they were done. She was not eager to see what she looked like playing quidditch.

The doors opened once again as Ginny Weasley and both her parents walked through them. Tori wasn't sure why Molly and Arthur have arrived, but Ginny wouldn't look at her. Ginny wouldn't look at anyone.

Molly was talking to Madam Pomfrey while Tori noticed Hermione looking around frantic. "What?" Tori asked her, walking over. "The sheet of paper, about the basilisk? It's not here. I was holding it in my hand... Harry and Ron must have found it!"

"That's probably how they took care of the beast..." Tori whispered. Hermione nodded eagerly. Tori felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see Molly.

"Molly!" Tori grinned, being pulled into a hug by the woman. "Oh, Arthur and I were so worried once Percy wrote to us about what happened! I'm so glad you're okay!"

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