Stay Away

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Tee hee long-ish chapter ahead!

Deku pov

I...I feel like someone is staring at me. But whenever I look around, everyone is either on their phones or listening to the teacher. During lunch, everyone is busy talking with their friends and eating their food, so it's almost impossible to tell who's staring at me. I don't even know if anyone is! I just kind of have that feeling that I'm being watched.

I sigh to myself.

They hate you. They want you dead. Everyone is staring at you. They don't like you. They're faking it. Cut, cut, cut, cut, cut.

"Shut up...", I mumble under my breath. I put my head down, but accidentally hit it against the desk harder than intended. I groan softly and turn my head to look out the window. In no time, I'm completely out of it. 

I raise my hand to go to the bathroom, not exactly sure of what I was doing. I fumble with the blade in my pocket and take it out as soon as I lock the stall.







I let out another sigh and clean my cuts. I wrap them up and clean my blade as well. I begin to hum to myself. For a second, I thought I saw a glimpse of blonde hair, but I shook it off an returned to class.

When I was about to sit down in my desk, I could see Kacchan biting the inside of his cheek. His foot was tapping nervously and he glared at me. I was a bit startled. After the whole incident in middle school where he helped me, he hasn't really been as scary or menacing. But in this moment, I was a bit nervous. 

As I head home from school, I feel that same feeling. I look behind me, but no one is staring. I roll my eyes at myself and turn on some music. At least I won't be late today. 

I get onto the bus and hold onto the handrail. I lean against it nonchalantly and scroll through instagram until I see my stop. I get off and thank the driver with a small smile. I was unusually calm. 

I end up walking into the house two minutes early, earning a small grunt from my father and a glare from my mother. "Hi, Mother. Hi, Father. Should I start the chores?", I ask, knowing that if I become more responsible and do their work then they might treat me better. "Start with the dishes.", Mother says. I nod and set down my stuff. 

They aren't...beating me? I thought it was getting worse, but's getting better?

I make my way over to the kitchen and pick up a plate. I take out the sponge and soap and begin to scrub the dishes clean. 

After I am done, I ask what I should do next. "Sweep the floors. After that go to your room.", Dad tells me in a stern voice. I nod again and pick up the broom. 

I head up to my room and start my homework. I get a text from...Kacchan? Since when does he text me?

Kacchan: Hey nerd

Me: What

Kacchan: Are you giving me sass? 

Me: Jeez, Kacchan. No I'm not. What do you want?

Kacchan: Just checking in

Me: Oh

I roll my eyes and put my phone down. I continue to work on my homework until I am called down for dinner. 

I make my way downstairs and find Kacchan sitting at the table. I raise an eyebrow and smirk, which I guess he finds attractive because he looks a bit flustered. I mean, it could just be that I'm wearing a giant sweater over a crop top...

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