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First off, I am so thankful for everyone who is reading this! The encouraging comments, votes, and reads make me so incredibly happy! I literally cried reading some of the comments because they boosted my self esteem so much owo. You guys mean so much to me! This entire fan fiction writing experience has made me feel so accomplished and so amazing! I love you all! ^^

Deku pov


"Hisashi! I'm going out! I'll be back to cook dinner, so can you watch Izuku until then?", mother calls. Father yells a yes and we hear the front door close and lock. 

I feel father's burning glare, staring a hole into my head. Why is he so angry? 

My thoughts are cut off by him grabbing me sharply by the wrist. I squeal in pain, but he gives a look that shuts me up. He throws me onto the ground and pushes me back with his foot. I shudder under his stare as he locks eyes with me. 

His face is full of hatred. This didn't happen when mother was around...So why is he doing this? It hurts.

I see him walk upstairs, so I try getting up to move. "Stay. There.", he snarls. I sink back down to the floor. When he comes back, there is a black leather belt with silver spikes on the sides. They weren't weapons, but they still hurt. 

I scoot away from him, only making him raise the belt and whip me across the head. I cry out in pain and clutch the crown of my skull, trying to ease the throbbing, stinging sensation. Tears well up in my eyes, but I wipe them away before he can see them drip down my face.

He smirks and growls, "Oh come on. Can't you protect yourself? Oh wait! You can't! Because you're a quirkless failure." "I only found out yesterday!", I protest. "I could still get one! Please don't hit me!", I beg. 

"As if."

The whipping continued for five minutes straight before he told me to get into the bath. I hissed in pain as the water hit my whip marks. I try to gently rub them, but the stinging only increases. 

I sit in the tub, thoughts consuming my mind.

What will Kacchan think? What will everyone think? I don't have  a quirk, but I can still become a hero! Right...?

I hear thumps coming up the stairs and father enters the bathroom. I hug myself in defense, ready for whatever he came up here for. But I was no where near ready for what he did next.

I feel the back of my neck being grabbed and pushed down. Before I know it, my head is submerged underwater. IS HE DROWNING ME?! 

I thrash around underwater, but make no progress getting any air. My chest gets tighter and tighter from the lack of oxygen, making my head spin slightly. I open my mouth to scream, but only bubbles emit from my mouth.

I try taking in a breath of air, only to be greeted by soapy bath water. I try coughing, but I just take in more water. I feel my hearing fade and my vision starts to get blurry. 

Right before I'm about to pass out, I feel the pressure release on my neck. With my remaining strength, I thrust my head out of the water and cough up what seemed like gallons. I look to the bathroom door to find a terrified mother.

"What did you do?", she asks. Father gives her a glare, telling her that it was none of her business. 

I feel something churn in my stomach and something rise up my throat. I lean over the side of the bathtub and over the trashcan. I vomit, and vomit, and vomit until there's nothing left but organs inside my body. 

I start bawling, wiping soapy water from my eyes. The stinging from the whip marks becomes worse and my mother rushes over to me.

And then...

End of dream

I jolt up in bed to meet a teary eyed Kacchan. I feel my breath quicken and my chest tighten. I feel like I'm in the dream again. The panic attack worsen's and my hand begins to shake. 

He looks at my terrified and pale face and hugs me like I'm the only thing he cares about. Tears spill out of my eyes and I let out huge sobs. 

I feel something dampen my shirt. Was Kacchan crying too? 

Once we pull away, he wipes my tears from my face with his thumb and a hand cupped on my cheek. He sighs in relief and I look down. "What happened to me?", I ask in a broken voice.

I hear a sniffle and look up to see that Kacchan is crying again. My eyes widen as he hugs me desperately. "Y-you weren't breathing correctly! And t-then you s-stopped breathing altogether! Don't scare me like that!", he sobbed. He was like a little kid. 

"I could kiss you!"

I froze. Yeah I take it back. A little kid would not say that...

He tensed, realizing what he just said. I feel myself gain a bit of composure, despite the horrific dream. "Then do it.", I smirked. His face turned a bright red, almost as red as Kirishima's hair. 

"W-what?", I stuttered. "You heard me."

Without any hesitation, he leaned upwards and closed the gap between our lips. I melted into the kiss, feeling his soft lips upon mine. His right hand cupped my cheek and another slid around my waist. I snaked my arms around his neck as he bit my lip, asking for an opening.

When I complied, his tongue danced around my mouth in a pleasurable manner. 

We broke away, panting and happy. I looked into his crimson red eyes, almost melting at the loving gaze he gave back. A playful smirk played across his lips and I blushed even harder. 

"So, how was that?", he asked. "Satisfying.", I smile. I then jolt and touch my lips at the realization. I...smiled? But how? I didn't have to force it! What the fu-

"You're mumbling. And you're not swearing on my watch.", Kacchan snickered. I covered my face in embarrassment. "So you confess to faking your smile?", Kacchan said, suddenly serious. I bite my lip nervously.

"Hey, don't do that. You can tell me.", Kacchan says warmly. I sigh and lean into his chest. He wraps his arms around me and I nuzzle into him. I let out a content sigh, forgetting about our previous conversation. I was too touch starved to focus on anything but cuddling Kacchan. 

Kacchan seems to get what's going on, and let's me do as I please. 

Hello again! Today's chapter may have some triggering topics, so I am really sorry if it made you feel uncomfortable in any way. I decided to add in the whole cuddling part cause I'm really touch starved and lonely T^T. I hope you all are staying safe, healthy, and happy! Love y'all sm!

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