It's Okay Now

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Aizawa pov

"Mr. Aizawa, your phone is going off.", Ashido notices. "Mmm.", I hum in response. 

It's from Midoriya.

I pick it up, but for a moment, hear nothing. "Midoriya? Are you alright?", I question. Another second passes before my face pales and my heart drops into my stomach. "Help.", he croaks. I hear a crash before he goes silent. The call ends before I can say anything back, and I shakily put my phone down.

"Mr. Aizawa? Are you alright? What did he say?", Uraraka asks. I shake out of my state of shock and say, "Bakugou, go to Midoriya's house as quick as you can. And call the police. I'm getting Present Mic.".

He raises an eyebrow and I give him a glance, making his own face pale. He stumbles out of his seat and whips out his phone. I call All Might into the room so he can watch the class.

Bakugou and I exit the room and go different ways. He dials 911 on phone and starts running to Midoriya's house. 

I rush into Hizashi's classroom with Nezu ready to take over it. He nods and Nezu takes his place. We rush down the hall and out the door. We hear sirens in the distance, which are most likely going in the same direction as we are. 

Hizashi and I run out of the gate and to Midoriya's house. When we get there, Bakugou is already waiting for us. The police pull up and take out a warrant. They bust down the door and immediately arrest the people inside. 

"Hey! The hell are you doing?!", the woman slurred. The house reeked of alcohol and a metallic smell. Blood. That's definitely blood. The three men struggle in the polices grips, but eventually give in. The woman, however, kept shouting curses and tried kicking the officers. 

Once the path has been cleared, we head straight for the rooms. Bakugou sprints up the stairs and whips open Midoriya's door. He screams and falls to the floor. My breath hitches when I see the sight. Midoriya is laying on the floor in a pool of his own blood and tears. There are burn marks, bruises and stab marks littered all over his body. He's passed out, completely unclothed, and shaking slightly. 

Bakugou rushes towards him and touches his forehead. "Izuku, Izuku please open your eyes.", he chokes out. He runs his fingers through Midoriya's hair, successfully waking him up. He stares back at Bakugou with a blank stare. "It's okay, Izuku. We're here. We're going to get you out.", he says with a teary smile.

Bakugou picks him up carefully in his arms and walks downstairs and out of the house. "Hizashi! Call an ambulance!", I yell. He pales when he see's Midoriya and scrambles to take out his phone. "Hello, 911?", he says.

We rush outside to see his so called, "parents", being put in the car. "Wait. Search for their phones.", I say abruptly. The police nod and begin looking. Once the phones have been confiscated, I take them in hand and stuff them in my pocket. 

He's still teary eyed and shaken. His face is pale and he's broken out into a cold sweat. He's trying to smile and make Midoriya feel safe. I smile softly and turn my head to look at Hizashi. He nods at me, answering my question. I nod back and the ambulance pulls up to the front of the house.

Paramedics exit the vehicle and put Midoriya in the ambulance. Bakugou, Hizashi and I joined him during our ride to the hospital. Bakugou had a gentle, but firm hold on Midoriya's hand the entire way while he stroked Midoriya's forehead and whispered comforting words. (Omg this is so sappy someone please stab my in the chest eughhhh T^T)

When we got there, he was rushed in immediately. We were told to wait outside of his room until they were done with whatever they were doing. I could see Bakugou tapping his foot nervously and biting his cheek. 

Katsuki pov

We sat in the waiting room before a nurse ushered us in. I sigh in relief when I see Deku sitting up in his bed, blood removed from his body. He's looking out the window, arms rested on his lap. When he turns to me, my heart drops. 

He looks so broken. 

His shining emerald green eyes are now faded and the sparkle is barely there. I didn't notice before, but his arms and legs are covered in bandages. My heart pangs with guilt and pain, knowing that I could have done something sooner. 

He looks at me in confusion, for reasons that I'm not aware of, and then flinches when he sees Aizawa step closer. "Shhh...It's okay. We're not going to hurt you. You're safe.", Mr. Aizawa says reassuringly. Deku tears up and hugs him. Tears begin to spill out of my eyes at his expression. 

He's laughing. He's smiling. 

I laugh softly at this and my heart swells. His smile is contagious, making the rest in the room smile, including the nurse.

Present Mic walks up to them and puts an arm around Deku. He looks at Aizawa for a second before saying something that makes Deku's tears flow harder and his smile grow wider. He pulls out a paper that says something on it and hands it to Deku. 

He scans over it for a second before looking at me. 

"I'm being adopted."

Hey guys! Sorry I took so long to update. Usually I post everyday, but I am working on another story right now that I need to update on. Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I will try to post another chapter tomorrow, so stay tuned! Also, I am so, so, so grateful to everyone who has been reading this fanfic! In just a couple hours, there were more than 600 reads, which was about 100 more than the last time I checked! Plus, this book made it to number 31 in bakudeku! These things make me so happy and inspire me to do more! You all mean so much to me! Also, I am so thankful for the votes that I have been getting! I hope you are all staying healthy and safe! Love y'all sm!

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