We Need To Talk

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I'm literally watching Ouran Highschool Host Club while writing this so being depressing is kinda hard, if you know what I mean...hahaa

Katsuki pov

I make it back to my house and lay down on my bed. After a few minutes, I heard a knock on my door. "Come in.", I yell. "Katsuki? Is there...anything wrong? You're strangely quiet.", the old hag says. "Yeah. Thanks.", I reply.

She gives me a small smile and closes the door. I wonder what Deku's doing right now. 

Deku pov

I sigh and sit down on my bed. I take out my phone and scroll through it for a bit until I fell asleep, forgetting about dinner. 


I open my eyes and slowly get out of bed before I get a beating. I slip on my uniform and pick up my backpack. I walk downstairs quietly and immediately get hit in the back of the head with an empty beer bottle. I cry out in pain.

I guess the beatings aren't getting any better...

"Piece of shit! What do you think you are doing? Worthless! You're a disgrace!", my dad yelled drunkenly. He kicks me hard in the chest, knocking the air out of my lungs. I cough and clutch my chest. He kicks my stomach multiple times and punches my face, definitely bruising it. 

"Damn brat.", he mumbles. He finally leaves and I go back into my bathroom. I stumble around to find a blade. I open and close drawers until I find a spare. I sit on the floor and run the blade across my skin. 

I feel blood spurt out and I bite my lip. It feels so relieving...I can't stop. Not now. Blood drips down my arm and onto the floor.







I clean up the blood and wrap my arm with bandages. I put a bit of concealer on my bruises and head out the door. 

I make my way to the bus station, Dad's words ringing through my head. 

Worthless. Worthless. Worthless.

I groan softly and knock myself in the head, only making my headache worse. 

Jeez, can't you do anything right? My god you're so terrible at everything. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. What an idiot? No one loves you. Just give up. Die already. Jump off a fucking roof. No one would care anyway.

I whimper softly and nod my head a little bit. 

Once I get into the classroom, I set my head down in my hands. 

"-ku? Deku! Hello?" I feel someone tapping my shoulder and I immediately snap my head up. "Yes?", I say looking at Uraraka. "Are you okay? You just had your head in your hands looking kinda off...", Uraraka says worryingly. I give her a fake smile and nod my head. "I'm just tired. I didn't get a very good sleep last night.", I lie. 

"You should be sure to get a good sleep! Your mental and physical health is very important! We worry about you, Midoriya. If you need to talk, just come to us!", Iida says with a friendly smile and his signature hand movements. I hum a yes and begin to chat with them.

As Kacchan walks in, he gives me a worried glance and sits down. 

A few minutes later, Mr. Aizawa walks in and looks at me right in the eyes. "Midoriya. See me after class. We need to talk.", he says in a serious tone. I nod hesitantly. Wait...did Kacchan...?

I give him a glare and he looks away, clearly a bit uncomfortable. I grit my teeth and try to put on another smile. 

Time skip to after class cause I'm dumb and lazy

"Midoriya, come with me.", Aizawa says. I nod my head and give my friends a reassuring smile. I see Kacchan glance at me again, and I turn away.

After Aizawa sits me down in a private room, I ask him what this was all about. "I got a call from Bakugou the other day saying that things were...going on in your household. Do you think you could explain to me what is happening?", Aizawa says with a hint of worry in his voice. 

I get angry. "Kacchan told you, huh?", I say in a menacing tone that takes Aizawa aback. "Um, y-yes...?", he replies. I immediately get up and walk back into the classroom before they can leave. I got up to Kacchan...

And slapped him.

Hey guys! This has been some chapter... Um so now one of my online friends is reading my fanfics and I feel really awkward. So umm you know who you are (I hope) but like yeah so have a good day! Love y'all sm!

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