Not Again

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Trigger warning!

Mentions of sexual assault and blood! I am incredibly sorry for any discomfort or uncomfortableness that you feel while reading this. I take full responsibility for anything that makes you feel uncomfortable in any way. Again, I am truly sorry.  

Deku pov

Hitoshi drags me inside before I can say anything to Kacchan. He texts me, making me smile and giggle. 

Hitoshi pulls me upstairs and sets me down on my bed. I look at him, one eyebrow raised as he smirks suggestively. "So what was that all about?", he says. I feel blood rush to my face as I laugh nervously and try to change the subject. 

"It's fine if you don't tell me,", Hitoshi sighs. "But if he hurts you I will personally come after him." I giggle and hide my face in my hands. "But I doubt he will.", he says with a smile. 

"So, how was your day?"

After about an hour of talking, Papa comes into the room with hot chocolate with extra whipped cream and marsh mellows on top. I lick my lips and grab a cup, being careful not to burn my hands. Papa leans down and gives us each a small peck on the head and ruffles our hair. I pout and take a sip of my drink. 

I look over at Hitoshi as he takes a sip, licking his lips clean of whipped cream. He takes another sip, chewing the marsh mellows fondly. I lift the mug to my lips, the drink slightly burning my tongue, but just enough for it to feel good on the roof of my mouth.

A few minutes later, I'm getting into bed, smiling and giggling. Before I know it, I'm fast asleep.

I wake up the next day to see Hitoshi at my side, reading a book with the cat in his lap. "Hitoshi?", I say groggily. "Yeah?" "Why are you in my room?".

He closes the book and leans towards me. "Did you dream anything? Like, regarding your...past?", he asks softly. I raise an eyebrow and shake my head. "I don't remember anything like that. Why?", I say. "You were shaking in your sleep."

I try to remember any dreams I had last night, until a wave of cold brushed my arms. I shiver and chatter my teeth. "Well, it is pretty cold. Could that have been it?", I say. Hitoshi shrugs and I wrap myself in a blanket. 

I walk downstairs and get a bowl. "Hitoshi! Want some frosted flakes?", I yell. "Sure.", he yells back. I pour two bowls full of cereal before getting the milk out of the fridge. I pour the milk and take the spoons out of the drawer. I stick them into the cereal and then bring the bowls to the table. 

Hitoshi comes down the stairs and sits next to me at the table. He lifts his spoon and takes a bite of the flakes. We eat our bowls quickly, wanting to go back upstairs and chill out. When we get back to my room, I turn the T.V. on and pull up Crunchyroll. "What are you watching?", Hitoshi asks. "Yuri!!! on ICE.", I respond casually. He shrugs as his attention turns to the screen.

I run a hand through my hair, clicking on episode 8. The intro begins to play and I giggle with excitement. 

I sing along, unaware that Hitoshi was recording me.  

I turn to him, my face flushing a deep shade of red as he finishes recording me. On my phone, might I add. "And sent.", he says proudly. "Sent to whom, may I ask?", I say, still incredibly embarrassed that I was recorded. "Your boyfriend, of course.", he smirks. 

The shade of my cheeks deepen as I flail my arms around in a desperate attempt to get my phone back. 

I pout and cross my arms, making Hitoshi chuckle. I flick his arm slightly, telling him that I'm not amused. "Sorry, Izu. But you were really good!", Hitoshi compliments. I roll my eyes and pay attention to the episode before I miss too much. 

After two more episodes, I decide to go for a walk. "Will you be alright on your own?", Dad yells. I nod and exit the house. I put my earbuds in my ears and turn on a song. 

I walk to a small park, surrounded by cherry blossoms, the afternoon sun shining on the morning dew.

I can't wait for you to come my way
I've been far away
But I'll keep running
Just to find a way to you till then

I've been running from it
Tired of running from it
Scared of feeling something
Now I'm stuck here tryna get up outta this hole
I tried to be strong
I tried to make it work but I've been feeling too numb
Skies are beating on me
Why'd you leave me lonely?
Feeling Whitney, Stoney
Now I'm stuck here wondering where I ever went wrong
How could I be strong?
I'm fighting for you love

I can't wait for you to come my way
I've been far away
But I'll keep running
Just to find a way to you till then

I don't see light in your love anymore
There ain't no reason to call in a fall
I don't like feelings and feeling like running form something
And feeling so out of control
I know that the feelings are gone
I'm spending too much time alone
I'm hoping you pick up the phone
And ring me when you wanna stay overnight
My shoulder's right
My baby's all in the one
And I play them, all of my favourite songs
That lady is my favourite one

I can't wait for you to come my way
I've been far away
But I'll keep running
Just to find a way to you till then

Ain't never gonna let you go
Got my heart, Nascar racing
Shining, never fading
He just left you hanging
Feining for you love
All worth it for the waiting
Give you what you need
Take you where you want
Can feel it when were all alone
Know you're wanting something more
My heart is like an open door
Just ring me when you want it, girl
I'll wait till you're home
Hold a place till you're coming home
Show you where the garden grows
Just ring me when you want it, girl

I can't wait for you to come my way
I've been far away
But I'll keep running
Just to find a way to you till then

I sing along to the song, practically skipping the entire way. 

I decide to walk towards Tokyo Tower, realizing that I've been on a walk for almost an hour. I shrug and continue to walk. 

By the time I'm almost there, I start to feel a bit uneasy. I look behind me, anxious if someone is following me. All of a sudden, I feel four fingers over my mouth, one resting just above my jawline. "If you don't want to die, you'll come with me.", a raspy voice orders. I nod my head and follow the figure behind me, the persons pinky finger barely not touching me. 

I gulp nervously as my anxiety begins to spike. The person leads me to a secluded area and puts something in my neck. Almost instantly, I begin to feel dizzy as my limbs weaken. I go limp, unable to regain control of my body. "Don't strain yourself. I've injected you with a strong muscle relaxer, so I doubt you'll be going anywhere for a while."

I whimper, tears starting to form in the corners of my eyes. "Don't cry, I'm going to make you feel good.", the person says sinisterly. I realize almost instantly what he means and start to struggle, despite being unable to move. "It's hopeless.", the person laughs. I gain enough strength to turn my head, taking a good look at the person.

His face was pale, pale blue hair and red eyes popping out and an evil grin on his face. I recognize the person and try to scream, but I'm stopped by a knife being placed against my neck. "Don't do anything funny.", Shigaraki growls as he begins to remove my clothes. 

Tears stream down my cheeks as my anxiety fills my head with voices. I begin to cry, muffling as much of my sobs as I can. I hear the sound of a belt unbuckling as the voices scream.

Hello! I forgot to say before, but thank y'all for 4.1k reads and over 100 votes! It means the world to me! But I'm afraid it will be hard for me to update twice a week. I might be able to, but that will depend on my schedule. I will be going to a new school this year which has a way larger work load and more classes. Even though school will be online, it will still be a struggle to update like I do now. School starts next week, so I will try to update this story as much as possible in that time! I hope y'all are doing well and taking care of yourself! Love y'all sm! 

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