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Katsuki pov

We sat in a comfortable silence for about a half hour before he decided to speak up, finally feeling comfortable enough to explain. 

"I had a dream. It was about the first time he abused me.", Deku says. His voice is steady and composed, yet pained. I run my fingers through his hair, making him purr a bit. He blushes hard and covers his face with his hands. I laugh softly and say, "Don't be insecure. It was cute!" He nods in response and continues to speak.

"He tried drowning me. And hit me with one of those spiked belts. It was the day after I found out I was quirkless.", he says. His voice breaks slightly, but he ends up swallowing back his tears. "Mother wasn't into that stuff. After a few years, he...", he trembles. I feel him shake in my arms and I hear a small sniffle. I rub his back in circles, comforting him. "He killed her.", he sobs. 

My eyes widen and I bite my lip. "After she died, he married his girlfriend that he was cheating on mom with. She hated me. I don't know why...she just did.", Deku cries. I hug him tighter and kiss his forehead. 

He smiles weakly up at me, trying to maintain it. "It's okay though." "You're not fooling anyone, Deku. Especially me.", I say with concern laced into a small smile. His smile drops, dropping my heart with it. 

As soon as his smile left his face, he looked so broken. His face was pale and not to mention that he was extremely light. Sure, he wasn't any less muscly than he was, but he was pretty light. "How about we get you something to eat, ok?", I ask. He shakes his head and gives me another one of those smiles. My heart feels like it's being compressed every time he gives me that look.

"I'm not that hungry, but thank you.", he says. "Deku, you're really light and your parents barely feed you. Plus, you slept like, the whole day. It's already 5:13pm.", I say. His eyes widen, and I can see a bit of...excitement? What the hell? "I slept the whole day without eating anything...that's good. At least I won't have to go the whole day starving myself or throwing up. Ugh, I'm so fat.", he mumbles quietly.

"First of all, what the FUCK?! Second of all, you're probably the skinniest person I've ever seen!", I exclaim. His face pales. "Y-you heard that?", he says nervously. Then it hit me. 

"Deku, lift up your shirt.", I say. "N-no...", he protests. "Please. Deku.", I say desperately. "I don't want to look. I can't.", he mumbles, just loud enough for me to hear. I feel tears well up in my eyes again, getting Deku's attention, as they threaten to spill down my cheeks. "I won't judge you. I promise.", I say calmly. I give him a smile and he sighs. 

We make our way over to the bathroom and he lifts up his shirt. He's thin. Unhealthily thin. Scars are littered all over his back and stomach, breaking my heart. I feel my held back tears flow down my cheeks as Deku takes a good look at himself. "Heh. I'm fat, right? It's disgusting.", he says darkly. "Deku, I'm crying because you're too thin. You could die!", I cry.  

"So what you're saying is that I'm not fat. I'm actually the complete opposite...? Am I getting this right?", he asks. I nod profusely and say, "Yes! Please stop this! It's not healthy!" 

Deku pov

I punch the sink and cry softly into Kacchan's arms. "Let's get you to bed, okay? We can try eating tomorrow morning.", he says. I nod as he picks me up at sets me on the bed. 

I wake up the next morning with Kacchan laying in bed with me. He has his arms around my waist and his head tucked into the crook of my neck. "Good morning, Deku.", he mumbles. He yawns and stretches, making me blush. Cute... 

He smirked at my reaction and gave me a peck on the nose. I stretch, almost revealing my cuts, but I retract my arms before he can see them. 

We get out of bed, and I realize where I am. Aizawa's house...

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