Rescue Training

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Hey guys! So, this story is already at 6.6k! I was wondering if there was anything y'all wanted me to do for this occasion? I'm open to ideas! Well, I hope y'all enjoy today's chapter! 

Katsuki pov

Oh god his ass...

I stop staring at him once I notice his bandages being to loosen. I go over to him, tightening the bandages on his back. He leans up and gives me a soft kiss, somewhat startling me. I smirk slightly, biting my lip as I take another peek at his ass.

I lick my lips, finally tearing my gaze away from him. 

We head outisde, Mr. Aizawa and All Might waiting for us. 

"Now that everyone is here, today's training will be...RESCUE!", All Might says, smile wide. "The ones who will be rescued first are Bakugou, Uraraka and Ojiro. The heroes will be Midoriya, Asui and Ashido.", Mr. Aizawa drones. 

"You six, come with me.", he orders. We nod and follow him, eager to see what the training will be like. 

We follow him to Ground Beta, the rescued and heroes splitting up. All of a sudden, Aizawa destroys the building that was towering over us. Deku gasps and turns to Aizawa, giving him an expression that is a mixture of anger and surprise. That was the last thing I saw before the building collapsed on us. 

Deku pov

Dad brings the building down on Kacchan, Uraraka and Ojiro, surprising me and angering me a bit. "What the hell!", I yell. "First off, language. Second of all, this is the training. Now get too it.", he says before stepping back. 

Suddenly, the ground below them collapses too, making them fall limply underground. I growl in anger, taken aback and angry at Dad for going this far. "Come on guys. We've got some people to save.", I say to Asui and Ashido. They nod as we head into the hole in the ground. 

I take my phone out, turning the flashlight on for light. "Asui, you take that side. Ashido, you take that one."

They nod in agreement and we give a thumbs up at each other. 

I walk forward, making my way through debris and dust. I carefully move the large pieces out of the way, searching for people to save. 

I hear a grunt, and rocks moving around. I rush forward carefully, soon finding Kacchan struggling to get up. "Kacchan! Are you okay? Are you hurt?", I ask. He hesitates before slowly nodding his head. "Where?", I say calmly. "My leg is busted up. Ugh...It might be bleeding a little.", he breathes. I nod and put his arm around my shoulder, lending him support.

He gasps in pain as he gets up, so I take it a bit more slowly. "Careful. The debris is unstable.", I warn. He nods and limps, soon fully standing up. "Here.", I say as I offer him more support. He takes my offer, clearly in pain.

I furrow my eyebrows in frustration, still angry at Dad for using such a destructive and unsafe method. I sigh and give Kacchan a smile, making him chuckle. "Let's get out of here, dumbass.", he laughs. 

A few minutes pass when we start to see a small ray of sunlight through the debris. We make our way to the surface where Ashido and Ojiro are waiting. That leaves Asui and Uraraka. 

Soon, they reach the surface, small scratches on their arms and legs. I smile, happy that my friends are safe. 

We make our way back to the rest of the class, where the next teams are waiting. They head off while we head to Recovery Girl so that our injuries can be treated. 

Hello! I'm going to make this authors note a bit short today. I'm sorry that this chapter took so long. I honestly don't know why it did. Well, I hope that y'all are doing well! Love y'all sm!

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