I missed you!

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It had been two weeks since I've seen nini because I just went to Chicago to visit my mom. The plane was about to land and I was very excited to get up and walk around. (my back was hurting because I picked a cheap flight so the seats were also cheap but you get the point) Plus the girl next to me was flirting with me and I didn't want to be rude so I just pretended to fall asleep, I don't need or want anyone else but Nini. Nini is my whole world and I don't know what I'd do without her. The plane had finally landed and I couldn't wait to see Nini at the boarding gate. She probably looked beautiful as always.


It was only two weeks Ricky was gone for, we FaceTimed every day but it still felt like forever, that must be what it felt like to be in love. The only good thing about not being with Ricky for two weeks is that I got to have some girl time I went shopping with Gina, Ashlyn, and Kourtney, I also went to the spa and had dinner with my moms. When I went shopping I found this cute red dress, I wore it to dinner with my moms they liked and I thought Ricky would like it too so I decided to wear it when I picked him up at the airport, I'm a bit scared to drive so I'm going to make Ricky drive like always haha. It's only a couple more minutes till Ricky gets off they plane, I'm a bit nervous but I think that's because I haven't seen him in so long. I look down at my phone to check the time because I start to get worried because I don't see Ricky get off the plane, but two seconds later I feel a tap on my phone and I look up and scream "RICKYYYY" Ricky is finally in my arms and I don't want to let go. I think I might of flashed a couple people when I jumped into Ricky's arms but I don't care I'm with Ricky and that's all that matters, my baby is finally in my arms or should I say I was in his.


I kissed Nini but it felt weird, like I was guilty of something. I brushed it off because all I cared about was that I don't have to kiss my phone to have a connection with Nini anymore, I could actually kiss her and cuddle her. One of the first things I noticed about her was how beautiful she looked like always, her dress looked amazing on her too. I put my hand on her butt not in a weird way but to keep her from flashing anyone. I started talking to her and asked her how her day was and what she did when I was gone as we walked, she said she had a good day because she got to see me, normal Nini. Once we got to the car I asked her if she wanted to go eat so we did we went to ihop (our favorite restaurant) we got one big plate of pancakes and decided to spend the night at Nini's house.

 Once we got to the car I asked her if she wanted to go eat so we did we went to ihop (our favorite restaurant) we got one big plate of pancakes and decided to spend the night at Nini's house

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Once we got home I was a little tired but I still had enough energy to hang out with Ricky. "Babe, I'm going to go upstairs and take off my make up and get ready to snuggle, I love you" I said, Ricky replied and said "ok baby, I love you too".
After I finish getting ready for bed, I find Ricky also ready for bed, turning on my favorite movie on my tv. Did I mention he made popcorn? He's perfect, I swear. I giggle and say "how did you do all this did you plan this?" He laughs and says "mayyyybeee? I just wanted to cuddle with you" I smile and get in bed with him. We cuddle for a while. He's my baby I love him. I freeze for a second a realize Ricky is my s-sou-soul-soulmate. Ricky looks down at me and asks me if I'm ok I smile and say "ya, I'm fine I was just thinking that I think your my soulmate" I start to get happy tears in my eyes and I think Ricky hearing that feels the same and he starts to get happy tears In his eyes too. He pulls me closer and we fall asleep in each other's arms.


The next morning I try and wake up, but MY EYES ARE CLUED SHUT!!! I freak out and start yelling for Nini. "NINI NINI MY EYES MY EYES I CANT OPEN THEM" she gets up and immediately figures out what had happened to me. She goes to the bathroom and fills a eye dropper with water I think she gets eye crustys a lot haha, Nini comes back into the room and squirts a couple of water droplets on both my eyes and whipes away the goo on my eyes. "Well, Mr. Richard you have quite some long eyelashes" and giggles I finally open my eyes and say " thank you lady Nini, you have saved me from my slumber how should I ever repay you? Oh! I know how about a kiss?" I sit up for a kiss but it doesn't end and I'm not complaining. We end up making out for a while but her mom comes in and says "hey lovebirds, time for breakfast!" We get a little embarrassed but get over it and head downstairs. After we eat breakfast we both get ready for the day, we say goodbye to her moms and get in the car. I didn't tell her where we were going for our date (I'm taking her to her favorite trampoline park!) once we finally get there she already knows where we are by they building. We get out of the car and go inside. I pay for two hours of jumping, we get our paper wristband and take are shoes off to start jumping. While we are taking are shoes off I notice a lot of guys our age and start to get worried, Would Nini want to leave me for someone better like one of those guys? I quickly get that thought out of my head and start jumping with Nini. She was wearing a lose, kinda showy top. I noticed a guy looking at Nini, it bothered me so I jumped in front of her that way there was nothing for him to see. Nini realized what was happening and giggled "Richard Bowen there is nobody else for me only you and you know what hopefully someday I will be Mrs. Richard Bowen" she spoke just hearing her say that made me actually want to marry her right there and then. I love her so much I don't know what I would do with out her. I responded to her with "I love you" and she said it back.


I hope you guys enjoyed this first chapter! This was my first time writing so I hope it was good, sorry it was so short I'm probably going to write the next chapter (continued) soon! Leave some ideas in the comments! Bye! 6/14/2020

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