Date night?

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After we left the trampoline park, Ricky took me to dinner in downtown. It was this new Italian restaurant, we ordered one big plate of spaghetti. We kinda shared a lady and the tramp moment, but I LOVED IT. After it's was around 6pm so we decided to invite our friends over to my house and we actually watched lady and the tramp! Well the new movie on Disney plus+! It was so funny because when the movie ended me and Ricky, Gina and ej, seb and Carlos, and ashlyn and big red were making out! Haha, I felt a little bad for Kourtney (because she doesn't have a boyfriend) but I think she was mostly was laughing the whole time!


Time had passed and it was time for the gang to leave, it was sad but we were all tired. I showed my friends to the door and they left. I couldn't find Ricky anywhere but I didn't check my room. I went up stairs and walked to my room and found Ricky laying on my bed, reading a article? I was supper confused but I stood behind Ricky and read what was on his phone, the article was titled, "how to make sure your girlfriend is happy in your relationship" I almost started to cry, did Ricky think he wasn't good enough for me? Just this thought made me drop to the group and start crying. So many things ran through my head, was Ricky scared for our relationship? Once Ricky heard me drop he immediately shut his phone off and turned around to find me crying on the floor, Ricky held me in his arms and asked me what was wrong, I didn't say anything because I was too busy hysterically crying. He figured out that I saw his phone and started to speak, "Nini, I love you and I don't want anyone else but you. I wanted to make sure I was a good boyfriend, and that I was making you happy. It kills me to see you so sad." I pushed him away and looked into ricky's eyes and spoke "Ricky, I love you too, and I only want you. Ricky your my soulmate." I kissed him and he picked me up and put me on the bed.


Seeing Nini like that broke my heart, did I hurt her? I placed her on the bed and kissed her again. I told her I was going to go get a shower, I asked her to start the shower for me as I got my pjs. Once I got into the shower I told Nini to stay I didn't want to be away from her, she played music for me. When I was in the shower she got ready for bed too. Once I was done she handed me my clothes and we got in bed. We snuggled for a while and then I finally broke the silence and said "I don't not love you" she giggled and spoke "I don't not love you too". It was only 7pm  so we decided to have a dance party, now I'm not one to dance but when I'm with Nini I will do anything! The first song on the playlist we really just jumped around and partied, the next couple of songs were the same, until a slow song played and as you probably guessed we did slow dance. It felt like it was out of a movie I had never been so in love with her. Everyday I fall more in love with her. She's perfect.


It was started to get late I didn't want to stop but I'm sure one of my moms would of come and tell us we had to go to bed. "wow it's only 8pm" I said as Ricky picked me up and tossed me on my bed and ran to lock the door. " what'ca doinggg" I said, he replied "loving youuu" as he started to attack me with kisses, he started to kiss my neck but got lower and lower he asked for permission and I said "Ricky if I'm going to do this with anyone I want it to be you" he smiled and continued.


The next morning we woke up at 10am and for some weird reason I wanted to go to look at puppies haha. I asked Ricky and he said yes but we can't get a puppy. I was a little sad but I would be too stressed out having to care for a pup.
We got coffee before we got there we were both tired from last night, but more so Ricky. Once we got to the shelter they had a puppy play area. There was a couch I saw Ricky lay down but I looked away and looked back and Ricky fell asleep!I gave him a blanket. But the thing that was adorable was that one of the dogs layed on top of Ricky as he fell asleep. "Awwww" I made sure Ricky was comfy I was having fun hanging with all the pups so I was fine I let him nap for about 45 minutes. I woke Ricky up because it was time for lunch and I was getting hungry.

 I woke Ricky up because it was time for lunch and I was getting hungry

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"All I'm saying is that nap was one of the best one yet haha" I said as we drove to lunch. I was hungry from that nap, and Nini was also hungry so we decided to have a picnic. I still had some of my coffee with me so I drank some and kinda sorta spilled some on my shirt and had to change. I ordered sandwiches from the local sandwich shop and we brought them to the park and had a little picnic. It was perfect. Nini is perfect.

 Nini is perfect

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After we finished eating we started joking around, I saw this group of girls staring at Ricky. I walked over to them when Ricky sat down to drink some water. I tried not to make it obvious that I was listening to there conversation. "OMG, he is so hot" "should I got talk to him I think I will" "wait put on this tight dress it's in my car" " you will look so hot" all I could think of was how bad I wanted to beat them up, I kept cool and walked closer to talk to them. "OMG LIKE HE IS SO HOT LIKE SOO HOT but you know what I don't have to wear a tight dress to impress him, he already loves me for who i am. And if your that dumb that you can't figure out that he has a girlfriend and that girlfriend of his is me then you will never EVER find someone as great as him." I spoke intensely. I don't know if what I said made sense but I didn't care. You should of seen the look on their faces, I wish I got a picture. I love Ricky and if he is mine nobody should be able to steal him. I walked back to Ricky and he asked me why my face was so red and why i looked so mad. I told him what happened and he said "o-m-g like that's crazy, jk jk but you love me that much don't you. Nini I will never leave you for someone else. Your the love of my life. And did I mention I love you." We both giggled and started to pack up our stuff to drive home.

Author note!
Helloooo! I hope you enjoyed this, and I hope it's not to short. If you have any ideas please leave them in the comments! ❤️

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