Babysitting wedding?

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Authors note- hi ok so this chapter I saw someone else make and wanted to put it in here. The babysitting is NOT MY IDEA I hope you enjoy it thought!
Today is the first day back from winter break, and I have three girls who I have to babysit after school. This should be exciting. But I am thinking about asking Ricky to help, that way I get help but I can also hang out with Ricky! But how the heck did I last a night without him? He's my baby, and I love him! But I need to get ready for school!"Rickkyyyyy Gett uppp babyyy" i spoke as I kissed him. He got up, and both got ready. We had some waffles and were out the door by 8:00am. While we're in Ricky's car i decided to ask him about the babysitting thing, "hey, baby I have a question for you! Would you be ok helping me baby-sit three girls after school?" I politely asked "ok course baby! As long as I get to spend time with you! I would kiss you but I have to keep my eyes on the road." He spoke. I smiled and planted my lips in his cheek.

We pulled up to school and parked, nini and me walked to our lockers. Got our books and headed to our first class. I hated being away from nini for so long.
School was finally finished, and I could kiss nini and not get in trouble for it! Nini had told me in between classes that she starts babysitting 4pm, and by the time we got back to nini's house, the kids were there ready to baby-sit.
We had been babysitting for about a hour when lily (6), Paige (7), and Ariana (9) started to get bored. Two seconds later I hear Ariana say "why don't we have a wedding? Ms. Nini and Mr. Ricky can get married!" Me and nini looked at each in laughter, we tried not to laugh. Until we realized, she wasn't joking. So we went along with it, "I now pronounce You husband and wife! Ricky you may kiss the bride." Paige said. Not even a second later me and nini we're making out. I just remember seeing the three girls mouths drop haha that was funny.

The time had come for the girls to go home, we said our goodbyes as I closed the front door. "Well I guess I'm mrs. Richard Bowen now?" I spoke as I giggled. "Indeed you are!" Ricky said. I pulled him up stairs to my room to make out with him because I didn't want my moms to watch. "Hey what are you doing?" Ricky said, "giving you kisses and maybe more?" I replied "oh ok well do I have permission?" He said. I told him yes. And now you can officially say we "did it" two times. I think Ricky is the one and maybe we will end up getting married!

"Ok ok we need to stop your mom is almost done making dinner and we don't want to get caught, now put your clothes back on silly!" She giggled as she got changed, and it was perfect timing because her mom finished with dinner right when we finished getting changed. After dinner me and nini took a shower, and watched a movie and went to bed.

-skip to spring break

We finally have spring break! I can cuddle and kiss Ricky whenever I felt like it for atlest two weeks!
It felt so good to drive out of the school parking lot and be free. This was our last year at East high or should I say high school. So we wanted to make it memorable, Ricky had planed a secret vacation for us! It was on the beach so I was very excited! We packed our bags before school so we could just drive their the second we left the school parking lot.
45 minutes later we made it to the airport! We had to fly to California to go to the beach because Utah doesn't have a beach. The flight was about two hours long, I wasn't complaining tho because I got to cuddle with Ricky.
-two hours later 5pm
We made it too California! We took a Uber to our hotel and unpacked, I put my bathing suit on ready to hit the beach! Once Ricky was ready we walked to the private beach.

Me and nini walked to the beach, and set up some chairs and towels. Nini said she wanted to tan so I let her when I made her a sand castle. Little did she know that tomorrow night I was going to propose to her! We were almost done with high school and I've been wanting to marry her well since we had the fake wedding, I new nini is the one and I don't want anyone else. At the time I was think all this I saw someone guys checking nini out she had headphones on so she couldn't hear what they were saying about her. "Damn she fine" "she's got some good melons" " she's got a good body" hear all this angered me. I stood up and walked over to those guys and said "HEY GET LOST SHES MY GIRL FRIEND AND YOU DONT NEED TO BE LOOKING AT HER BODY THATS ONLY FOR ME!" I yelled. I think nini hear me because she took her headphones off looked at me. The guys ran away I think I scared them. Two seconds later I hear "Ricky bub, is everything ok I heard what you said was someone looking at me" I told her "everything is fine those guys were checking you out and I got mad and told them to leave you alone because your body is not for them to see." Nini smiles and kisses me "bub why don't we go have dinner and we can walk on the beach later ok?" I told  her ok and we went up stairs to get changed.

Authors note!
I hope you guys liked this I am trying to make the story a little bit juicier because it was a bit Dry. Like always if you have any suggestions please tell me in the comments! Byee! 6/16/2020 ❤️

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