I cant go without you...

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It was only 3pm and we were kinda bored, but I remembered that Nini's mom said they had to go grocery shopping. I asked Nini if she wanted to go and what she needed. Shortly after we were walking into the grocery store, checking off things off the list.


We had just grabbed Mac and cheese (Ricky's favorite comfort food) when I started to realize Ricky's phone was blowing up, I ignored it until Ricky had to go use the bathroom, I think he drank too much coffee haha. I started to get annoyed with it so I opened his phone to find this girl named Christina. WHO IS THIS CHRISTINA?!?! I heard Ricky coming back so I shut his phone off and walked to the car. Btw I left the entire cart with Ricky's phone and the groceries in front of the bathroom. Meanwhile I'm in the car crying and feeling used. "UGH HOW COULD HE DO THIS TO ME"


I come out of the bathroom to find no Nini, at first I was confused but thought she just got tired of waiting for me and went to sit in the car. I check out and start walking back to the car with my cart and start loading up the trunk. I didn't look for Nini because my windows are very dark so I could barely see inside of the car. Once I was done loading up the trunk, I open the car door to find Nini crying. I immediately ask her what's wrong and if she's ok. But the only thing she says is "I will talk to you later" I get nervous because I feel like it's something I did wrong. We pull up to her house and I park the car. The second the car stops Nini gets out and slams the car door. I act casual but inside I'm freaking out. What happened to Nini? Is she ok?!?! Once I finish putting the groceries away I walk upstairs to talk to Nini. I try to open the door but it's locked shut. I knock and ask Nini if I could come in, but all she responds with is "Ricky I thought you loved me but I guess I thought wrong. YOU USED ME. And I can't take a apology for that. I have no clue who this Christina girl is, but I do know she has something to do with you. So you know what Ricky you can stay at your house tonight and maybe for a while till you can prove yourself to me, I don't feel like letting you use me again." Just hearing her say that made my heart drop. The only Christina I know is my therapist. Then it hit me I was texting my therapist the other day when I was on the plane about my anxiety she didn't respond then so I guess she started texting me back when I was in the bathroom. I spoke "Nini I-" "RICKY I DONT WANT TO HEAR IT PLEASE LEAVE" she cut me off. I started to cry but I didn't want to make Nini mad so, I got in my car and drove to my dad's house. I walked in the front door and immediately ran to my room and deleted Christina's phone number off my phone.

-the next morning 10am

The first thing I thought when I woke up was I need to talk to Nini. So I got changed and drove to Nini's house. I pulled up to her house and knocked on the front door. "Oh, hi Ricky" one of her moms spoke "hi, can I speak to Nini?" I asked and her mom said yes and let me in the front door. I walked up to Nini's room. I'm guessing it was perfect timing because her door was open. I knocked on the wall before I walking in.

"Ricky what do you want from me"
"I want to apologize. Christina is my therapist and a couple of days ago when I was flying back from Chicago,
I was texting her about my Anxiety. I love you Nini and I don't want anyone else but you."
"Wait baby you have anxiety, why didn't you tell me?"
"I didn't want to worry you"
"Oh baby, I just want to make sure your ok! And if you couldn't tell I accept your apology."
"I love you"
"I love you too"
"Now that this has been resolved, shall I take princess Nini to lunch?"
"Indeed sir Richard! Let me just get ready."


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Once me and Ricky made up, he asked me to lunch and I of course said yes. I got changed and did my makeup, I decided to wear my short green dress because I knew Ricky liked it. I came out of the bathroom ready to go to lunch. "Um sexy"
Ricky spoke, I giggled and we walked down stairs and got in the car.


After lunch we went shopping, Ricky bought me a cute sweater and I bought him a tee-shirt. We were tired after a long time of walking so we decided to drive back to my house. When we got back we took a shower, watched a movie and headed to bed. (we were very tired)

-Authors note
Hey! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! This chapter and the second chapter were
Wrote in the same day so they might be a little short, please leave feedback in the comments! ❤️

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