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We finally made it to Disney and I was the happiest person on the planet, first I get engaged to the love of my life and now I'm at Disney! I haven't been to Disney since I was a baby because I lived in Utah my whole life and, my parents were never the easiest people to just hop on board with a expensive Disney trip. I couldn't wait to get a picture with nini on all the cool rides, so right when we walked into the park we took and photo in front of the castle and went to the biggest ride everyone was talking about.
Authors note- just ignore the tags xD

the second we got off the ride the first thing I said was "I'm willing to wait in that line again, but only if you want to go back in the ride baby" Nini stared at me with wide eyes "ABSOLUTELY NOT, NEVER AGAIN IM STILL SHAKING!" I awed and asked ...

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the second we got off the ride the first thing I said was "I'm willing to wait in that line again, but only if you want to go back in the ride baby" Nini stared at me with wide eyes "ABSOLUTELY NOT, NEVER AGAIN IM STILL SHAKING!" I awed and asked her if she was ok, she said she was fine and we kept going from shop to shop and ride to ride. We stopped in one shop because nini found Mickey ears with the house from "up"on them and she really wanted them so I bought it! "Ricky you spoil me!" She said as she slapped my shoulder lightly, "ok, well can I spoil you more" I asked and she giggled and I kissed her.

Time flew by quickly when we were having fun and it was already 3pm. We forgot to eat lunch earlier so we decided to go now, me and Ricky ate hamburgers and we're on our way to the next ride. We thought it would be better to go on a slow ride because we just ate, so we headed to the haunted mansion. 30 minutes later we were sitting down in the dOoOoM bUgGgY. I get a little spooked and cold so I huddle up next to Ricky and he holds me, two seconds later we are looking into each other eyes and start making out. The ride was about to end we didn't care, we finish the ride and all the lady worker says is "aw you guys are so cute WAIT ARE YOU ENGAGED!?!?" We reply and tell her yes and she gives us a engagement pin and we both pin it to our shirts. Ricky looks down at me and says "well that was something" I giggle and he smiles.

9:36 pm
It was starting to get late and people were starting to leave the park. Me and Ricky sat at a bench with nobody around and watched the fireworks go off. "Hey want to continue what we were doing earlier?" I hear Ricky say and I of course say yes and we start making out again. (I DID NOT GO FARTHER THEN THAT ME AND RICKY WOULD NEVER "do it" AT DISNEY) A hour past and Ricky went to go get us ice cream. I start to get a little worried because I see some guy around my age walk towards me like he was going to talk to me. And he saw the ring on my finger but didn't care, he sat down next to me and started to talk "hey I was standing over there for a bit when my friends went to use the restroom and I noticed how gorgeous you are" I was offended that he was looking at me I Skoff and say "excuse me I have a boyfriend I should be on my way-" he grabs my wrist and says "no don't leave forget, about your boyfriend and I will take you out!" I try to ignore him but just the thought of being away from Ricky hurts me and I start to get tears in my eyes, I finally am able to yank my wrist out of his hand and run away. I get as far as possible from him but I'm still in the park looking for Ricky.  I can't find him anywhere so I thought he got the ice cream and went back to where we were sitting before, but I can't go back there what if Ricky isn't there and that guy is I don't know what will happen. I freak out and start texting Ricky but he doesn't answer because he turned he phone off so we wouldn't have pauses in our date. My only other instinct was to talk to a cast member, good thing I was next to the haunted mansion. I walk thought the exit doors and go straight to lady who gave us pins. "Omg sweetheart what's wrong are you ok?!" I tell her everything that is going on and she says she and a security guard will escort me back to my seat to see if Ricky is there and if that guy is still there they will remove him from the park and help us find Ricky. I tell her "THANK YOU SO MUCH I DONT KNOW WHAT I WOULD DO IF I DIDNT GET YOUR HELP!" I give her a big hug and she gets someone to fill in her spot for now as her and the security guard escort me to my seat. We get there and the guy who was there before came up from behind me pulled me by the shoulder and turn me around really close to him I didn't move because I thought it was Ricky. I scream and the security guard gets him off of me and the cast member helps keep me safe away from him. All I see next is Ricky running toward me, while the guy is getting escorted out of the park. "NINI!" Ricky runs up to me "Are you ok? are you hurt? what happened?" I explain to Ricky that I'm fine just a little spooked, and I will tell him what happened in a second. I turn around and give the cast member a big hug and thank her for protecting me. "Np! As long as your ok! Have a good night lovebirds!" She says as she walks back to her job because she has to help close up. As soon as she walks away I tell Ricky what had happened and he really wanted to beat that kid up. He tells me what was going on in his eyes." I came back to ask you what flavor ice cream you wanted, but I couldn't find you so I thought you were in the bathroom. I walk into the bathroom and yell your name but no one replies and some lady told me to get out of the woman's restroom so I did and I walk all over the park and couldn't find you" he says as we walk toward the exit "I couldn't find you till I heard a scream and immediately knew it was you and I came running to find you with the cast member" he says "I just want to know did that guy hurt you or touch you inappropriately?" He asks I respond "he kinda hurt my wrist and my feelings and he touched my shoulder trying to turn me around, and he grabbed my waist a pulled me closer to him." I said "but are you ok? I would sue him but We never got his name." He says as we get to the entrance of the park to leave, Ricky calls and Uber comes to get us and drops us off at the hotel.


We finally get back to our hotel room and nini says "I am extremely tired but I need to get a shower" I ask her if I could join her and she lets me in the shower. " now ric-ster no funny business" she says but I can't help it she's beautiful, I pull her in close to my chest. "Ricky what did I say, I love you but not now I'm tired" she says "I'm sorry, I'm being pushy" I respond "it's ok. Hey! I love you" she says as she cups my face and gives me a butterfly kiss. "I love you too neens." It's now 12:06 am and we cuddle in bed till we fall asleep I wake up in the middle of the night to hear ninis phone is blowing up with notifications but from who.....

OOOHHH DRAMA I hope you guys enjoyed this! Leave in the comments ideas and who you think is texting nini! Love ya byeee! ❤️

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