Stay away from my girlfriend!

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It's 2am in the morning and Nini's phone is blowing up with text messages. I don't wake Nini up because I don't want to wake her, she looks so peaceful. I decide to take Nini's phone and look at what is making her phone blow up, it's some random number. It first I thought it was a scam but I looked and the messages and it wasn't even close to what I thought. Some random person was texting nini and telling her to brake up with me so they could go out. They second I see that my heart stops and sinks into my stomach, was nini talking to someone else? No! I pushed that thought out of my head and started to text this person.
Nini (Ricky typing)
Um who is this
Kevin! Baby I found your number we can be together! You have to leave your boyfriend
Nini (still Ricky)
I'm sorry I think you got the wrong number
No this is nini! We met at Disney I'm the guy you sat with when your boring boyfriend went to get ice cream.

I drop the phone into my lap. Was nini hanging out with that guy from Disney? No it can't be she looked mortified by him!

Nini (Ricky)
This is her boyfriend, you might want to stay away from my girlfriend before I come for you personally
Like I'm scared of you she clearly thinks your boring.
Nini (Ricky)
This number has blocked you. Sorry please contact 1-800 for help!

I blocked him. Was nini actually bored of me? I don't know but what I do know is that if she doesn't actually want me I should give her space. I push Gorgeous Nini off of me and I make sure she is comfortable on her side of the bed. I roll on my side and face away from her as bad thoughts start to rush to my head. Was nini thinking about leaving me? Was I not a good enough boyfriend? How long has she been hiding this to me? I think as tears start to fall down my face. I just wanted to hug her and never let go. I fall asleep two hours later and sleep till 6 nini isn't awake yet so I take a shower and leave the room to go relax by the pool and get everything off my mind.

9:23 am

I wake up at 9 but I didn't get the greatest sleep. I start to worry where Ricky went but then guess he just went to get me breakfast again, such a gentlemen he is! I get out of bed and text Ricky and ask him when he will be back but I don't get a response so I call him and he doesn't answer, I think that was weird but ignore it. I go get ready so when Ricky gets back I don't look bad and if he wants to go somewhere I will be ready. I wait 30 minutes but Ricky isn't back yet, I decide to go look for him! I look all over the hotel and can't find him, but there is one place I didn't check. The pool. I walk to the pool and look around. I spotted Ricky! Why is Ricky laying in a pool chair all red and how long has he been there? He looks burnt! I walk up to Ricky and ask him what he was doing and why, but I don't get a response. He fell asleep! I wake up Ricky and sit him in a normal chair in the shade.
R=Ricky N=Nini
Ricky what are you doing? Your going to burn! To late you already did..
Oh um hi nini. I couldn't sleep this morning so I came out her to lay but fell asleep
How early baby? You look extremely tired why didn't you just cuddle me? I didn't sleep the greatest either
I woke up at 6 and was down here by 7 I couldnt sleep something through me off..
Ok then why didn't you just cuddle me? I know it makes me feel better when we cuddle, what through you off?
I um- uh-
Baby are you ok?
(Says in one breath) " in the middle off the night your phone was getting text messages from the guy from Disney telling you to break up with me then I confronted him and he said you didn't want me anymore because I am annoying and that made me scared and I thought if you didn't want me you would want your space so I gave it to you but then I couldn't sleep so I came out here to relax" (Ricky gets up and speed walks away tearing up)

with horror on my face i stand up, run to Ricky turn him around and kiss him. He doesn't stop it and I don't either. "Ricky I love you! I don't want anyone else only you, that guy was just trying to intimidate you." I say as I tear up. Me and Ricky start to make out, and everyone at the pool starts to clap for us. We walk off and I speak to Ricky "now, that has been settled, let's get some sunscreen on you baby! I'm going to go get changed I will bring you a shirt, while I'm gone try not to be so cute I saw some girls looking at you earlier." I kiss him and walk to my room to get changed into my bikini.

I can't believe I actually thought Nini would want to leave me! I love her like crazy, I can't wait to get married! I think as I daydream about me and nini making out. Nini finally comes back to the pool looking hot like usual! Damn I really love her! "Baby, can you put sunscreen on my back side please?" She says "butt?" I ask "yes you silly!" I smile and kiss her head.


Photo bomb 😂{tagged @R_Bowen_}@kourtdoesmakeup4: I wish I was the one to photo bomb 🥺@ginalikessalsa

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Photo bomb 😂
{tagged @R_Bowen_}
@kourtdoesmakeup4: I wish I was the one to photo bomb 🥺
@ginalikessalsa.: cutieeee 🥵
@R_Bowen_: yep that's right I have best gf 🤤
      @ninisalroberts: I have the best bf 😍
          @ej.speaks.facts.: ewww 🤮
              @ashashlny46: I hAvE tHe bEsT bF
                   @bigboireddd5: she's not wrong 😌🤓
Authors note!
Hey it's Mia here! I love this story and I'm going to continue with it but would you guys want to me make a new story with like Ricky and a old best friend ( A giRL bEsTfRiEnD)? If I do, do that I won't end up posting this story as much. XOXO cmt!! ❤️

too late i did it hehe ❤︎

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