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The couple in the hotel room in Paris after there Long flight
Ricky's POV
"Baby I'm going to take a shower I love you!" Nini said after placing her clothes in the drawer because we were going to be there for a while. "Ok baby I love you too." I smiled into our kiss, we just got married I'm extremely happy! Nini goes into the bathroom and takes a shower while listening to anyone else by Joshua Bassett one of our favorite songs. I sit on the bed and wait for her to get out of the shower. I flip the channels to find the show called "the impractical jokers." I watch it for a couple minutes and immediately die of laughter but after laughing for so long I can't breathe and start to have a panic attack. Nini comes out of the bathroom with a towel and dripping wet hair to find me on the bed trying to breathe while my eyes are bright red from the tears. Nini comes running to me and pulls me into a hug. "Baby breathe breathe please breathe!" She has her hand in my hair tugging it slightly trying to calm me down and it definitely worked but it might of turned me on a little. Once I can breathe normally and I'm fine I'm still in Nini's arms and she sobbing. I start to laugh softly and kiss her neck and ear. She pulls me away, "DID YOU PRANK ME?!" "No!!! No no! I just thought of the joke I saw on tv that's cause me to not be able to breathe." "Oh baby please be careful please! You scared me I thought I was going to lose you!" She looks me dead in the eyes and gives me the 'I love you and don't know what I would do without so I freaked out when I thought something bed happened to you" look. "I'm so sorry baby." I pull her into a hug and kiss her neck and ear again and this time she actually notices, she pulls away and kisses me on the lips she tasted like strawberries her chap stick she's had since middle school. "It's ok, I love you." She smirks and pulls away giggling a little, "what?" I asked her. "Nothing it's just I'm still in a towel and my hair is dripping wet." She giggles and it definitely turns me on even more. "Well maybe I like it.." her brow raises, "what are you implying Mr. Ricky Bowen?" "I think you know, Mrs. Nini Bowen" I wink and push her over making out. "Ric- ky- st- op- no- t- n- ow-." She says in between kisses, I pull away and sitting up pouting. "I just took a shower baby I'm tired maybe tomorrow?" "Fineeee" I drag out the e. I'm a little disappointed because I thought everyone 'does the dirty' the night they get married, or is it just me? Either way I'm married to Nini now so 1. We can do it all the time, and 2. We can have kids. But to be honest I'm a bit tired too and plus this means i get to cuddle with Nini which always makes my day better that it already is with her. Nini puts on my hoodie and lays in our bed her head on my chest and me playing with her wedding ring. Wow her hands are beautiful, she's beautiful.
Nini's POV
The next day me and Ricky explore the city like we do everyday and enjoy each other's company, plus we 'did the dirty' but it meant more that just doing it it felt different be we are married! And I'm so happy to say Ricky's my husband.
Authors note
Sorry this was so short it was really just a filler chapter! I love you! Go stream anyone else by joshy Bassett!! 💗

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