the big day!

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Flash forward
After graduation one day before the wedding 10:33am
Nini's POV
"Baby! I'm going to lunch with Gina, Kourtney, Seb, and Ashlyn, I will see you later I love you! Mwah!" I blew a kiss at Ricky from the apartment door as he cleaned up the living room for the guys to come over.
I got into the car and drove to the salad restaurant, I was already three minutes late and by the time I get there I will be five minutes late. I made it to the restaurant just in time because my friends were getting the table, "Table for five please, a booth would be nice, thank you." Kourtney spoke. I taped on Gina's shoulder "Nini!" "Girlies!" "We missed you!" Ashlyn looked extremely happy for us all to be together but we were missing one member and he wasn't having it either..

Miss Jen's magic school bus 🚌

Broadway boi 💅👯

Broadway boi 💅👯

Ricky's Therapist 🤐👾
Dude calm down your sweating on the couch 🛋

(Broadway boi 💅👯 changed Ricky's
Therapist 🤐👾 to Big Dorito 🦧🔥)

Big Dorito 🦧🔥
Really dude 😳

Broadway boi 💅👯
Yes now let me leave I want to have lunch and go to the spa with the girlies 😌

Ricksir 🤡🥵🤠
fine but next time your coming with us and you better know how to get sweat out of a couch

Broadway boi 💅👯
Nee-Nee 🥰
YAY! We are at Sally's salad bar (location sent)
ejahyyy 🤖
Damn I've never see Carlos run that fast 💨😳

Ginie 🧞‍♀️
Lmaoo 🤪

Broadway boi 💅👯

————-10 mins later"girlies look who made it" Carlos said with a smirk on his face

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10 mins later
"girlies look who made it" Carlos said with a smirk on his face. "Carlos!" Everyone was extremely happy to see him, "come sit." Seb pated the seat next to him. Carlos sat down and the waitress came over and asked us what we wanted to eat. Once we finished eating, we all drove to the spa and got facials, massages, and our nails done. "Wow I can't believe I'm getting married tomorrow!" I said as we got into a limo to take us to our hotel. Apparently the groom isn't supposed to see the bride on the day of the wedding because it's bad luck. I really wanted to see Ricky but I don't want our wedding to get ruined. "Ikr about three months ago We were still in school!" Ashlyn spoke happily. Gina looked like she was tearing up "oh baby what's wrong" Seb said worried about Gina, "I can't believe I'm still here with you guys. Almost two years ago I was supposed to be leaving you guys for good, with out Ashlyn and the rest of you taking care of me I wouldn't be here." Gina eyes went glossy with happy tears. "We love you and we will always be there for you Gigi we love you" I spoke "I love you too" Gina wiped away her tears "woo! I have a announcement to make!" Gina said trying to get everyone to stop crying. "I'm Moving back here I got a apartment!!" Everyone screamed! We were so excited for Gina to stay with us so we can spend the rest of our lives with her. "Hey keep it down back there!" The bus rider tried to sound nice but it was a failed attempt, we all burst into laughter.

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