Pop the question already!

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We got dressed and we're heading to dinner, I payed extra just for me and nini to have a romantic night. I couldn't wait to ask her to marry me so I decided to pop the question when we are walking on the beach! I am very nervous at this moment because I don't know how she will react. I'm just scared she's going to say no. We will have to see.

We get to the restaurant and I start to worry because their is no one their except us and the workers, but I get over it because I'm with Ricky. "Omg Ricky this is beautiful did you do this?!" I asked "indeed I did!" Ricky responded. I could tell he was a bit nervous but I didn't know why, we sat at the table and talked a lot about our future, school, and family and many more things. The food had finally come; me and Ricky ordered the same thing (spaghetti!) it was our favorite dish besides for ihop pancakes haha! Once we finished eating dinner, Ricky stole the bill from me. He is such a gentleman! We took are shoes off and decided to walk on the beach for a while.

It had been around 20 minutes of walking on the beach, and I new it was coming. So I did it. I told nini to stand in front of me, she was confused but did it anyway. I got down on one knee and spoke, "Nini, I love you. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you, you make me who I am. Will you marry me?" She immediately started to cry, hug and kiss me "YES YES RICKY YES" she yelled! You don't know how happy I was to hear that. We both cried happy tears, we took photos and told our friends and family and they were very happy to hear! I just can't believe I'm going to marry the love of my life! I feel like I'm in a dream.

"OMG OMG OMG IM GOING TO FAINT!! RICKY ASKED ME TO MARRY HIMMMM AHHH, IM GOING TO MARRY THE LOVE OF MY LIFE! nini calm down breathe in breathe out whoo, I just cant believe it. Wait but we are still in high school We can't get married yet. OH WHATEVER" we started to make out until Ricky said "why don't we move this to our room so nobody's watching us" so we did,..... and we had funnnn. But we had to start getting ready for bed because it was starting to get late. We took a shower and snuggled in bed before we fell asleep Ricky had a good idea to post on Instagram that we got engaged that way if we forgot to tell someone we don't have to text or call them cuz we are lazy hehe.


@ninisalroberts_: engaged! ❤️💍{ tagged:@R_Bowen_}@ginalikessalsa

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@ninisalroberts_: engaged! ❤️💍
{ tagged:@R_Bowen_}
@ginalikessalsa. OMG YESS!! 💗
@carlosthechoreographer101 cuties #rini 💕
@ashyashlyn46 aww!! 💘

Wow just wow! Out of all people to marry I get the best one! It's amazing how me and nini have come so far and it's still amazing! I can't wait to finish school so I can marry her! Dang when did I get so soft, nini is rubbing of on me haha. "Hey bub lets get some rest so we can go do stuff tomorrow!" Nini spoke, I told her ok as she fell asleep on me. Little did she know that I stayed awake and bought us Disney land tickets!

I woke up the next morning to not be able to find Ricky, I started to get worried because I thought someone bad had happened to him. I call Ricky and he picks up!

"Good morning sunshine!"
"Good morning bub! Are you ok, where are you?"
"I went to get you coffee!"
"Aww ty bub, but will you be back soon"
"Open the door sweet cheeks!"
Call ended by Ricky

Why did he hang up? Is he ok? Why do I have to open the door? I opened the door to find Ricky with coffee and ihop pancakes! "Aww bub thank you so much!" I said "hey I have a surprise for you" he spoke. "Oh no Ricky your crazy what is it?" I said concerned,he smirked and said "I got us two tickets to Disney land! Eat your breakfast and go get ready I wanna goooo" haha Ricky is so funny, I ate my breakfast and got dressed I did my makeup and hair and we were off to Disney!
Authors note
Sorry bout the font change i don't know why it did that, I hope you enjoyed this sorry it was short I just wanted to make room to let the Disney trip have it's own chapter! Bye! ❤️

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