And that's where the hornet stung me

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the night was was filled with teasing, shushed giggles and eye rolls from the three of them.

anne hadn't properly planned her stay up here and hadn't thought about the fact that there were only two beds. when she tried to tell gilbert she would just stay in a hotel he insisted that it was too late and that he wouldn't do that to her.

fred however could not stop teasing gilbert about the fact that anne was in his bed. he would say things like, "if i wake up from you two having relations, i will never forgive you" and "wow guys save it for the honeymoon trip"

but eventually he fell asleep and so did anne and gilbert. so that's where we will start our story today, with two sleeping kids and an annoyed roommate.

anne had dreamed of the day when she would wake up in gilbert's arms but she never quite imagined it to be so hurtful.

she awoken this morning by a pillow slapping her and gilbert in the face and a scream of, "get a room"

"we have a room, if you don't like it then leave" gilbert said sleepily while pulling anne closer to him.

"sorry fred" she yawned out before curling into his chest.

the pair slept for at least another hour and were going to continue to do that until fred slammed the door.

the noise made them both startle awake. anne had not failed to realize that gilbert put his body in front of her in order to protect her.

"what's gotten into him?" gilbert said curiously while still facing away from anne.

annoyed by this, she wrapped her arms around his arms and her legs around his chest, "i don't know but it looks like he's gone"

little did she know what she was doing to the poor boy. he flipped himself around and kissed her tenderly, cupping her cheek in the process.

meanwhile anne was running her fingers through his curls, gently yanking on them as if to tell him to get closer to her.

she gently tugged at his shirt telling him to take it off and with a swift movement he was shirtless.

(i know they wear more layers usually but they are in the night clothes so just vibe with it and imagine a shirtless gilbert)

gilbert then broke apart the kiss as if asking for permission for what he wanted to do next, with a swift nod, gilbert began to untie the top of her dress and kissed down her neck.

it was a sensation that caused anne to bite her lip to try not to make a noise and made gilbert want to kiss her all the more.

"gil" she tried to say with a steady voice, "we have to stop before we can't stop"

he pulled up from her, his eyes still hanging half open before reluctantly nodding and kissing her forehead.


it had been about two hours since fred had left and since they intimate.

and for the past two hours they had been keeping their distance from each other, both wondering what the other was thinking.

anne was curious as to what had gotten into gilbert lately and if the girl he saw at the tea shop had something to do with it.

gilbert was worried he took things too far with her and that she was angry that he didn't want to stop.

he was right about her being mad...

"gil?" she said finally breaking the silence, "i need to ask you something and i need you not to get upset"

gilbert, immediately thinking he knew what she was gonna say, responded with a "hm" noise.

"who was that girl from yesterday?"

the question had taken gilbert back a minute before he confusingly asked, "what girl?"

"the girl from the tea shop" anne had said coldly.

gilbert definitely didnt see this one coming.

"how do you know about that?" he said getting more and more defensive by the moment.

had she been following me? what if she heard the conversation?

"i happened upon you two staring into each other's eyes and holding hands!" she said raising her voice slightly, growing more angered by the moment as well.

"it's not what it looked like anne" he had said arguing back. he didn't like the fact that she didn't trust him, "you don't understand"

"you're right gilbert i don't understand! i don't understand why you would lie about her! i don't understand how you could get so defensive about it if it was 'not what it looked like!'" she yelled out exasperated.

"why don't you try trusting me for once?" he said now also raising his voice. he knew it didn't look good that he was getting all defensive but he couldn't help it. she didn't understand as he couldn't explain it.

"how could i after after win-"

"don't you dare bring her up" he said his voice laced with ice, "you know why i did what i did and you know that as soon as i realized i was in love with you, i left her"

"you lead me on then, how do i know you're not doing that now?" she said, tears welling in her eyes now.

"if you really think that lowly of me, i think you should leave" he said, tears now welling in his own. she didn't understand and she couldn't.

"fine" she yelled at him, tears now streaming down her face


and with that anne grabbed her bag and coat and left.

this was the second thing that flipped her world upside down again.

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