and rain fell through the night

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it had been three months since the visit anne and gilbert had taken to avonlea. as they entered into their third year of higher learning, they had two very different thoughts going through their brains.

annes consisted of, will i be the smartest in the class again? and i wonder if i'll ever have another female teacher...

while gilbert's consisted of, when will be the proper time to ask her? and will she even say yes?

now gilbert had been pretty close to proposing to someone before but those circumstances were very different from the current ones he faced. with winiferd, it was laid out on a silver platter for him and it was expected.

this was very different. with anne, he never knew quite how she would react to anything. with her, there was never a dull moment between them. the bad part was that with not knowing how shed react to the question, he could never find the right place or time.

but once again, gilbert blythe had a plan.


"gilbert blythe, are you planning to murder me?" the redhead said with a small smirk. she knew he was hiding something but he refused to budge on what the secret was.

if you knew anne, you knew that she hated secrets and if you knew gilbert, you knew he loved suprises.

"maybe" he said matter of factly causing shivers to send down annes back.

if she had looked more carefully at her surroundings she would have recognized the spot they were headed to almost immediately. for it was her favorite memory of the two.

all the sudden it hit anne where they were, "oh gil- it's the tree! it's our tree"

gilbert looked down at her for a moment, taking in the sight of the beautiful girl that stood excitedly before him. she's so beautiful.

gently he grasped her hand and led her to the base of the tree where the best moment had happened for the both of them.

half lidded and out of breath gilbert said, "annie, i wanna spend the rest of my life with you"

after the moment of shock passed anne leaned up and kissed him, yanking at his hair and him moving along with it, "and i wanna spend the rest of my life with you"

anne noticed his stare and immediately worried, "gil is everything ok?"

"annie, i once wrote to you words that have never been more true. though, you ripped up the letter," he said with a faint chuckle leaving her momentarily confused, "i still remember it by heart. i told you that you and you alone were the keeper to my heart and that you were the fond object of my affection and desire. annie, those words become more and more true everyday, and  so does the last part of my letter".

with a deep breath he grabbed the ring from out of his pocket. the gasp she had made, made him smile more than he had ever smiled before, "i told you i would never get engaged unless it was to you, my anne with an e"

he could see the tears begin to prickle her eyes. in an instant his hand found her cheek, before he said the final five words to her, "annie, will you marry me?"

there was a breath moment where annes breath had got caught in her throat. she was caught off gaurd- but she didn't mind it this time.

"yes!" she said before jumping on top of him giggling and crying tears of joy, "yes gilbert blythe i'll marry you!"

and with that they were finally engaged.


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