and I had a serious dream

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it's been three months and things have changed significantly since the last time we saw the couple.

as they enter the second half of their third year of university, they enter with one less friend.

for their precious ruby had passed on from tuberculosis, leaving her fiancé, moody, heartbroken and alone. anne wished she didn't know the feeling behind it but there was a moment in time, where she did.

(i don't remember when she passes on in the books so just like vibe with it yeah?)

anne had lost one of her favorite kindered spirits and gilbert had lost someone he had grown very fond of.

soon the wedding preparations were forgotten and the funeral ones were created. but now it had been 2 months since her passing and it was now just gilbert, anne and diana planning the wedding.


the three say silently around the table in the girls dormitory. nobody could speak. they had all the wedding plans in front of them and the checklist for what still needed to be done, but no one moved.

"this feels wrong" diana said, exposing the elephant in the room.

"she deserves to be here" anne said almost under her breath, "she didn't deserve to die"

"no one deserves to die" gilbert said while gently grabbing her hand. she squeezed gently before also grasping diana's hand, "it sadly doesn't work like that"

diana looked down before saying, "my mother once told me that death doesn't discriminate between the sinners and the saints" she then added, "i just never thought that it would be this true"

anne sniffled before lifting her head up and brightly saying, "ok enough sadness. ruby would have wanted us to continue with this in joy and happiness so let's do that, ok?"

"i think we should push back the date" gilbert had stayed suddenly causing the two girls to be taken back a bit.

"whatever for?" diana said more shocked than upset about all the wasted time on rushed preparations.

"i think that- well when i am to marry anne, which i want more than anything, i want to be able to see her every moment of everyday and with me attending the program in toronto and with her attending here, we wouldn't be able to for another year"

"you wanna push it back a year?" anne said piping up a bit, she wasn't opposed to the idea at all. she actually thought it was quite a brilliant one. she just wanted to make sure she understood correctly.

"yes, so then we can properly move in together and be properly married" he said while now turning to anne.

"i think it's a marvelous idea" anne added while sharing the same lovely stare at him.

"i think that's a wise choice for the both of you" diana added in, "i know how much you guys miss each other and it would do you both good if you could live together and be married then do this and be married"

"so it's settled then?" gilbert said with a soft smile.

"the wedding will be after we finish schooling"

the three then stared at the papers in front of them that were all written in ruby's cursive.

i wonder what she would have thought about this decision?

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