stare in the morning shroud

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anne had been quite familiar with death in the past.

though she has no recollection of her parents, they had both passed on.

she had watched mr. hammond die right before her eyes when she was only 13.

she had watched gilbert have to survive the death of his father and had witnessed how marilla handled it with poise.

she had lost mary, someone she looked up to dearly only a year ago.

but this one hurt her the most.

she had lost gilbert john blythe through the cracks of her fingertips and she didn't know what to do.

so she did what she always did, got angry at the first person she saw.

"how dare you tell me to just sit down and wait!" she yelled at him, attracting many looks from the other people around them, "you're not the one whose boyfriend is currently dead!"

"anne please just try an-"

"if you tell me to calm down one more time" she threatened, "i don't know what i'll do but i know that you'll regret it"

"look i know you're upset, but yelling at me isn't gonna make him any better" he said still remaining with his soft tone, "so please just sit down"

"fine" she said her voice still laced with anger, "but only because my feet hurt"

harry let out a short chuckle that only earned more of a glare from the red headed girl.

"can i ask you something harry?" she said her tone shifting from angry to sad again, "has anyone you ever love died?"

harry smiles awkwardly down, not really knowing how to explain that he knew all to well what it was like to watch someone you live die.

"yes" he choked out, trying to hold back his own tears at the thought of the person he loved most, "about two years ago, when i was your age"

she only nodded in response not really knowing what to say to him since it was his story.

"they passed very unexpectedly, one moment- i was watching them cook dinner" he said his words laced in sadness and despair, "the next- they had a heart attack"

"how did you get through it" anne asked softly, trying to hold her own tears back.

"it took a long time" he said with a sad chuckle, "but i wanted to keep their memory alive, so i did"

"she sounded wonderful"

"she wasn't a she"

anne nodded in understanding before saying, "thank you for sharing that with me"

it was then when the doctor finally came in, "for gilbert blythe"

anne looked up, tears already filling her eyes.

walking to the doctor felt like an out of body experience. her head begun to spin and her eyes seemed to be hazy. nothing felt right, and that worried all the kindered spirits within her.

"miss, you brought the boy in saying that he wasn't breathing correct?" he said curiously taking in the appearance of the red head

"yes" she said with a sad smile.

this was it.

"did you happen to check his pulse by any chance?" he said now with a slight chuckle.

"well no- i assumed since he wasn't breathing that he had- you know"

"miss, you knew of the boys illness correct?" anne nodded at this, not see where the doctor was going with it, "well his body was trying so hard to fight it off that it drained all his energy and he just simply went into shock"

"h- he's alive?" she croaked, tears now welling in her eye.

"he's not only alive, miss, but it seems that his body is healing itself" the doctor said, "but don't get too excited yet".

and with that annes face contorted in confusion once more, "he is in a coma for the moment, his body is still very fragile and is using a lot of energy. we hope that he will make a full recovery, but right now we aren't sure"

"may i see him?"

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