and I had a feverish dream

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anne had left gilbert's dorm that day heartbroken and confused as to why he would be so defensive about it.

it was about a week later and she still couldn't stop replaying the words that were said.

you don't understand!

don't you dare bring her up!

if you think that lowly of me, i think you should leave!

what anne couldn't figure out is how he managed to wiggle his way out of telling her who that girl was.

there was no letter of explanation.

no visit from gilbert.

not even a visit from fred.

it was radio silence between the two and she hated it. anne hates the way it was left between them.

she hated that she could hear his sobs from outside the door when she was leaving.

she hated how she just left instead of getting answers out him.

she hated that she was the reason he was crying.

she hated everything...

worst of all, anne had refused to get out of bed. cole had tried with all his might to get her to come downstairs and eat some breakfast but nothing he did would get her to even flinch.

it was if the world had gotten bleak to anne and she was the only one left in it.

her head hurt from all the overthinking she was doing and her joints ached from the lack of movement and the lack of nutrition they were receiving.

she missed feeling ok.

she missed the feeling of his arms around her or the feeling of his lips on her neck.

she still could see a love bite from the other morning.

oh how she loved and hated that mark.

for it reminded her of gilbert. and for that she both adored it and despised it.

no matter what she did she couldn't get rid of it. she tried taking a bath, nope. she tried scrubbing it away, nope. she tried icing it, nope.

nothing seemed to get rid of the bruise and nothing would get rid of the memories.

and that's where we will start the day: day 6 of anne moping in bed and with cole trying time drag her out


"cole mckenzie i swear if you pull my blankets off one more time, you will regret it" this has become somewhat of a morning ritual for them now.

cole would storm in demanding she talk to gilbert and pull all her blankets off the bed and anne would say meaningless threats.

but today cole had a plan.

suddenly the two butlers came into the room and stood right behind cole, "if i can't get you out of bed maybe these gentlemen can"

one of them grabbed anne's feet while the other grabbed her arms, litterally forcing her out of bed.

this would have been funny if not for the fact that anne was screaming threats at cole and swore that he would regret ever meeting her.

she was first one alright.

but the screams were interrupted by a hurried knock on the door.

the butlers gently placed anne down and hurried off to do their work.

it was then when diana bursted into the house, "anne i know i'm not your favorite person but i need you right now"

anne began to slowly get up and get dressed when she heard the urgency.

"look diana, i'm still mad at you so whatever this is about, i'm sure it could involve someone else" anne said coldly while finishing getting clothed.

"it's gilbert, anne, somethings wrong"

sorry for the short filler chapter, i promise you the tea is about to boil!!

sorry for the short filler chapter, i promise you the tea is about to boil!!

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