Running for Governor

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This is the first day to a new start. Being city councilwoman was ok, but now it's time for me to be Governor of California. I am the first and youngest city councilwoman... that's a lesbian... openly. I made it my business not to hide who I am. I wanted people, that is like me, to see themselves when they see me. I have a 18 month old son name Jayden.

I was with this woman, Marissa, for 6 years. A little over two years ago we made a big decision to have a baby. When I got pregnant she was over the moon. About 5 months into my pregnancy I was put on high risk and bed rest. At that point i started noticing how much she was withdrawing from me. When I went into labor she was nowhere to be found. My best friend Ashley and my mom were the only two at the hospital. Marissa got to the hospital four days later.

When Jayden turned two months I really started noticing signs of her cheating. She kept her phone close at all times. She would sneak out the bed late at night when she thought I was sleep. She would come home some days super late but lie and tell me she was with her friends all night even though I called them earlier. She would always accuse me of cheating to ease her guilty conscience.

When Jayden turned six months I hired a private investigator to see if my intuition was right. The pictures that the PI took made my stomach turn. I couldn't believe she would do this to me. When I confronted her she had the nerve to laugh and say it is what it is. She was like she never meant to commit to a supposedly one night stand. The way the knife went through my heart, with those words, killed me instantly.

We split and she went on a radio show saying that we split because I forced her to be in the relationship. She also claimed that I forced her to be happy about a baby she didn't want. Told them I was difficult to get along with and that I pretended in front of the camera. I was so broken from the way she was treating me, that I went into postpartum depression. Well, she's a thing of my past and there's no future in that.

My new future starts with me running for Governor. I wanna see how far I can move up in my career. My mom and best friend want me to also focus on dating but I think for the time being I'm done with dating. I just wanna take care of my little man and move up in the political career. Those are the only two things I have time for right now anyway.

My plane finally landed at LAX and I grabbed all my belongings then exited the plane. I couldn't believe that it has been four days since I've seen my little man. I was so ready to get home. I walked to the parking garage and got in my car that's been sitting here for four days. I know my baby boy is gonna be so happy when I walk in the door. I walked in the door and it was super quiet.

"Hello?!" I yelled but got no response.

I walked throughout the house to find that nobody was here. I wanted to cry cause for four day all I've been thinking about is my baby boy. I know he's out somewhere with Ashley. As I was pulling out my phone the front door opened.

"Stop crying little man I know you want your mommy. She will be home soon." Ashley said trying to sooth him.

"Soon is right now." I said with the biggest smile on my face.

My little man heard my voice and his eyes widen. He started wiggling to get out of Ashley's arms. She let him down and he ran full force to me.

"Mommy!" He yelled in his cute little voice.

"I missed you so much!" I picked him up squeezing him and kissing him.

"Too Mommy!" He said while laughing and wiggling in my arms.

"Thank God you are back. He was working my nerves with how much he asks for you." Ashley said while walking to the kitchen.

"Don't do my baby like that. He loves his Mommy." I said looking at my baby boy playing with his cars.

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