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    I knew this was gonna happen because stalkers always escalate. As I was standing there watching her give her speech I was truly amazed. I was hoping she wasn't gonna read what was on that card because that some political bullshit that was written for her. When you stand amongst your people you need to speak from the heart to your people. Your neighborhood should get the rawest form of you.

      As she was giving her speech she looked back at me and I gave her a wink. When she turned back to the crowd she was blushing hard as hell. In my mind I was thinking maybe we can be a little more cordial with each other. I keep observing the crowd when I looked up towards a sky rise building and saw a glint. I looked harder and saw the glint come into focus. At that point I knew it was a gun.

"GUN!!!" I yelled and tackled Onika to the ground. As we were falling I felt the bullet hit my vest which knocked the wind out of me. As I looked down at Onika I saw she had passed out. I looked around her body and didn't see any blood so I guess it was from the fast fall.

"Agent Knowles, we have a car waiting for you and the councilwoman." Agent Wells said to me. Agent Wells helped me get Onika to the car. We got to the car and I drove off. I kept looking in the backseat and at my surroundings. I got to the house and got her inside. I checked her house to make sure there wasn't anything suspicious. I don't really know if anything's out of place because I don't live here.

After about five hours Onika woke up. She was really groggy but more so she was in shock. She just kept staring off into the distance and she wouldn't talk. Every time something slammed or closed hard she would jump. From there I knew that she had been traumatized. It's a big difference between hearing a gun shot and one being fired at you. Carmen came flying threw the door which scared her even more and pissed me off.

"Where is she?! I knew this shit was gonna blow up!" Carmen yelled.

"Calm down she is in a state of shock." I said trying not to get irritated with her.

"I hope that woke her ass up!" She continued to yell which was working my last. "Now she better take this shit serious! Where is she?!" She yelled like she was getting impatient. I could see Onika balled up in the corner out of the corner of my eye. Every time Carmen yelled she'll slam her fist on the counter, which would make Onika jump. At that point I was livid because she's not making it any better.

"SHUT UP!" I yelled and Carmen looked at me like I was crazy. "You are not making this any better. She was shot at and is in a state of shock. That shit is no joke and can mess with your mental stability. Now if you are not here to talk in a calm matter I suggest you leave." I said pointing towards the door.

"You can't put me out." She said trying to challenge me.

"Actually I can because my job is to protect the wellbeing of Onika Maraj and right now you are not helping her wellbeing. So you can leave by yourself or with some help." I stated stepping to her with my arms crossed. She looked at me and stormed out of the door. I walked to Onika really feeling bad for her. I know how she's feeling after something like this. Stooping down in front of her I just hugged her really tight. She jumped then after 5 mins she started bawling her eyes out.

       After about 30 mins of her crying, she just held me and shivered. I just sat there with her in my lap and stroked her hair. No words needed to be said at the time, she just needs a sense of security. That's what made me mad at Carmen because she was just shot at and all she did was yell instead of asking her was she ok. I know in the next 2 hrs we have to go get the kids. I was about to get up until she said something.

"Please don't get up." She said so quietly that I could barely hear her.

"Ok kid." I said joking with her.

" I'm older than you." She said chuckling.

"Nah you're just a little kid with a big head." I said laughing. She gasped and hit me.

"My head is right size." She said. "But your ears are right size... for a gremlin." She said flicking my ear. I gasped then because that was rude.

"How dare you? My ears didn't send for you so don't come for them." I said tickling her. She started thrashing around trying to get out of grasp.

"No! I'm super ticklish! Stop Beyoncé I'm gonna pee on myself!" She said laughing hard.

"Apologize to my ears." I said still tickling her.

"I'm sorrrrrrrryyyyyyyy!" She yelled.

"Don't say it to me. Say it to my ears."

"Beyoncé ears I apologize for talking about you!" She yelled really fast. After that I stopped. She got up and looked at me like she was gonna choke me. She started walking towards the stairs and I heard, "Even though you can flap away and cause a wind storm." She ran up the stairs when I got up. She got to her room and locked the door.

"Don't be scared Onika. Let me in." I said outside the door.

"No." She said laughing behind the door.

"Ok I'm not taking you to get anything to eat." I said walking away from the door. 3... 2.... 1.

"Hold on! I'm sorry I love your ears. They are so cute and really fit you. Do you want me to kiss them? Everyone should have your ears." She said really fast. On the inside I was dying laughing. I knew she had to be the "I like to eat" type. "Are you gonna take me to get something to eat now?"

"Yea where you wanna go?" I said grabbing the keys while she grab her shoes. One thing I know about being in shock is that laughter is the best way out of it. We stopped at Wendy's and just chilled there for a while just talking. Looking at Onika she was still scared as she looked all around her every now and again.

"Are you ready to get the kids now?" She asked still checking her surroundings.

"Yea sure." I said as we got up. When we got to her mom's house our mothers had tears coming down their faces. These women are something else. They just slapped us yesterday now they are crying about our well-being.

"Are y'all ok? We saw the news and so did the kids. We had to tell them that y'all was just playing like Batman and Robin." My mom said with tears still rolling down her face.

"We are fine. Beyoncé was fast enough to keep anything from happening to me. Now can we get our kids. I'm ready to go to bed." Onika voiced, avoiding all eye contact with them. I know she's shaken up but she don't want our parents to know that.

"Sure they are laying down in the room." Mama Carol said. We grabbed them and went home. I dropped Onika at her house and went in mine. About two hours later there was a knock at me door. I went to answer it and it was Onika in tears hold a sleeping Jay.

"What's wrong baby girl?" I asked pulling her in the house.

"Can I lay him somewhere first?" She asked with her voice quivering. I took him to the guest room and walked back downstairs to see Onika in the corner on the floor.

"Why are you on the floor in the corner?" I asked in the most sincere voice. It actually broke my heart to see her like this.

"Here." She handed me an envelope with a letter in it. I took the letter out and it read,...

"You little bitch! You was suppose to die today! You can't be guarded around the clock. I see your little bodyguard drops you off at home by yourself! I'm gonna shoot you in front of your kid. You will die you little bitch!" I read the letter 4 times and was disgusted by the words. I looked at her and she was shaking and mumbling to herself.

"Who c-could this be?" She asked as she was breaking down crying.

"I wish I knew but I'm gonna find out." I said holding her as she cried.

(A/N: Would could it be? Was her cousin wrong for the way she acted? Will the person kill Onika? Why is she being attacked? Will Beyoncé find out who it is? Let me know what you think. Don't forget to Vote Vote Vote and Comment Plz.)

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