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Damn why she had to pick that up? I walked towards her and she was livid at the moment. The more she kept reading the madder she got. She put her hand up for me to stop walking towards her.

She gave me a mean ass look that could make the toughest guy crumble. "Why are they trying to take my daughter?! They have no right!" I know she's pissed off because this is gonna stall the adoption. We were in the process of Onika adopting Alyssa. All I had to do was do a DNA test for Jay and they added me to his birth certificate.

Alyssa is a while other ball game because her mom gave birth to her so she is automatically on the birth certificate. It wouldn't be so hard if Asya parents let it be. "Nobody is gonna take her. They are saying that she should come with them because I have no biological ties to her."

"That's stupid you did nut in... They don't know you can nut in somebody do they?" She asked having an epiphany.

"Nope never got the chance to tell them. I think that's the whole reason the judge signed off on it. My lawyer is looking into it now to see if I have to at least make one appearance." I began walking towards her.

"They better go ahead on about their business and leave this over here alone. If this shit gets to far in taking over. Fix it Beyoncé." She said then walked off. If nothing else she is head over heels in love with Alyssa. Nobody is gonna have a chance to take her.

*A month later - Day of Court*

As you can see he was not able to get it thrown out right away. The judge made me go get a DNA test for my daughter and said we will discuss it in court. Onika is with me and she is highly pissed but keeping a straight face.

    Like what is their real reason or coming after my daughter two years later? Before we walked in the courthouse it was like two paparazzi waiting outside. Oni and I walked right passed them but that didn't stop them from snapping pictures.

We arrived at our courtroom, my Captain, Wells, Chris, Brandon and my lawyer was there. I walked over to them and thanked them before we started. I gave my baby a kiss and we walked in to get ready for this case. "Here we go." I said to myself.


We have been sitting here for four hours listening to everyone talking about me, Asya and Alyssa. It was a few people that came on behalf of the Chavez's and I'm trying to figure out how. They don't know us from Adam and Eve but had a lot to say. Now it was time for me to take the stand to let them know about this punk ass couple.

They were looking at me with a smug look on their face like they were gonna win this case. I got on the stand and they made me swear on the bible then I had to sit down. "Hello Ms. Knowles." The other lawyer said.

"Beyoncé is fine."

"What is your relation to my client?" I looked at him like he was crazy.

"I have no relation to them. Our connection is through their daughter who is now deceased."

"You were married to their daughter correct?"

I wish he would just come on out with his bullshit questions because I feel like he is stalling for time. "Yes we were married up until the time she gave birth to our daughter."

"Right the granddaughter to my client. Is it true that you have PTSD due to you being an Ex-Marine."

When he said that I got pissed off because that was disrespectful and he knew it. Their were people in the courtroom that gasped. "That was disrespectful and you know it. I'm a Former Marine never an Ex-Marine. To clarify I do not have PTSD at all I am fully functional and an Special Agent." I clarified for him.

"Were you fully functional when you used to abuse my client's daughter? Or punch a hole in the wall beside her head? Or gave her Stockholm's Syndrome? "

I was way pass pissed off right now. "I have never hit my wife a day in my life! The hole I punched was..."

"So you admit to punching the whole? Did she make you angry like you are now?" He asked cutting me off.

"Objection!" My lawyer, Deaton, yelled.

"Withdrawn. No further questions." He sat down and he had my blood boiling and he knew it.

My lawyer finally got up and walked towards me. "Hello Beyoncé. Explain the hole in the wall."

I calmed down first then proceeded to explain, "The hole in the wall came from me being mad at my wife's dad. She called me to tell me that he has been hitting her and that she was scared for her life. When I got there she was crying in the corner. I saw her with a bloody nose and a sprang wrist. I hit the wall to keep from hitting him because of how she was being beating everyday by him."

"So are you saying that Mr. Chavez is the abusive one?"

"Objection! Speculation!" Their lawyer yelled.

"Mr. Deaton can you back up your accusation?" The judge asked.

"Evidence 001. Four police statements from when the plaintiff has beat his daughter." Deaton said showing the judge.

"I'll allow." The judge.

"So Mr. Chavez is the abusive one?"

"Yes he is. I can't tell you how many times his daughter has been to my house running from him. After a while she just left his house and never came back."

"So as far as Alyssa goes she should stay with you?"

"Yes because I don't trust him and I am her biological parent." I said looking at Mr. Chavez.

"That's a lie my daughter had her!" Mr. Chavez yelled.

"Order! Mr. Chavez you do that again I will hold you in contempt. Now we have asked Agent Knowles to take a DNA test for Alyssa Giselle Knowles." He opened the results and his eyes got wide. I smiled because I know he was very surprised to see the results. "Ok I am a little confused because it says that you and the late Mrs. Knowles are her biological parents. Care to explain how this is possible?"

"Sure I was born with a male reproductive system." I said still smiling and Mr. Chavez was really steaming mad. "My daughter was conceived with love and happiness. She doesn't know her maternal grandparents because her mother wanted that way. I promised my wife God rest her soul that our daughter will not go through what she went through as a child. I will keep that promise as long as there is life in my body." I looked at Onika and she was smiling with tears in her eyes.

I winked at her and she blushed then looked away. I am ready for this to be over so she can finally adopt our daughter and I can move on with my life. "If I would've known this before then I would've never signed to have this case seen. Custody of Alyssa Giselle Knowles stays with Beyoncé Giselle Knowles as so ordered." He said banging his gavel and walking out the courtroom.

I walked to my baby and kissed her with everything I had in me. Mr. Chavez walked over to me and said, "I will get my granddaughter so I can have the daughter you stole."

I stepped in his face ready to slap the fuck out of him. "You will never have my daughter and you should be receiving a restraining order in the mail in the next few days." Leaning into his ear I whispered, "If I catch you near my daughter I will kill you. If you think I'm playing try me." I walked off with my wife so we can go get our kids. I haven't felt this free in a long time. I felt a wind pass me and I looked to the heavens and smiled.

"Rest easy love she's safe with me."

(A/N: Is Mr. Chaves gonna take heed to Bey's threat or did he take it for a joke? Are they gonna finalize Alyssa's adoption now? Sonogram coming up next how many are they having? Let me know what you think. Don't forget to Vote Vote Vote and Comment Plz.)

(Excuse the errors didn't proofread.)

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