Made from Passion & Pleasure

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    I was sitting in the bathroom contemplating how I was gonna tell her what I'm doing. Let's go back to how I got here. I was at the mall, with Chelle and Ash, shopping for baby clothes. As we were shopping I got a call from my OBGYN. She wanted to tell me congrats on the new addition. Yes people you heard right, I am pregnant. I bought 12 pregnancy tests just so I can prove my OBGYN doctor wrong. I had them all lined up on the counter and one by one I got to peeing. As I got to the last one Beyonce bust through the door. And now you're all caught up.

"What the fuck?! What the hell is this Onika?!" She said looking at me.

I was so scared that I didn't know what to say. I don't want her to leave me. "I... I..." I couldnt complete my sentence for the life of me. She walked towards me but I kept stepping back, until my back was against the wall and I had nowhere to go.

"Look at me my love." Her voice was softer and I looked at her to see her face riddled with concern. I know that she loves me but I'm just really scared.

"I'm sorry but I'm pregnant." I said looking down again.

She put her hands under my chin and lifted my head to look at her. She had a big smile on her face. "You're pregnant with my kid? We're gonna have a baby?" She asked picking me up.

I looked at her first because I was shocked that she was excited about this. I really thought that she was gonna start thinking about when Asya was pregnant but she really want this baby with me. "My OBGYN called me, when you left, to congratulate me on the new addition to the family. I just wanted to make sure that this was a dream or she made a mistake somehow."

"So what did all of these say?" She asked looking back at the test on the counter.

"Don't know yet I haven't checked them. Are you sure that this is what you want? I know we haven't been together long and that the kids are only two." She started kissing me to stop me from rambling. I just held onto her because through the kiss I could feel all the love she has for me.

"You don't have to be scared beautiful. We know that this had a big possibility of happening. That stroke game be too good so you don't let me pull out. As you can see my little swimmers work or we wouldn't have two kids now." She said laughing.

"Always gotta make a joke huh?" I said shaking my head at her.

"I'm just telling the truth. Let's see if your OBGYN is wrong or not." She said pulling me to the counter.

I didn't wanna look so I told her to look. "Baby I can look until I'm blue in the face but I don't understand this shit. Hold on this one got words let's start with that one." She picked it up and stood there but I couldn't read the look on her face.

"What do it say?" Her mouth curled up in a smile.

"What you think we're gonna have? I'm thinking triplets or maybe sextuplets." She said after turning the test around to me. The word pregnant was as clear as day. I wanted to faint because I can't believe this is happening.

"I guess now I really have to schedule an appointment. I have to get an ultrasound done now." I said going to retrieve my phone to call my doctor. As I was about to dial my doctor BB grabbed me and turned me towards her.

She started kissing me slow and passionate. I began moaning as we walked backwards towards the bed. She laid me down ever so softly as she hovered over me. "I can feel the sadness in your tone and the aura you're giving off. I know you through and through because I am very in sync with you. Do you love me?" She whispered the question in my ear then began sucking on my spot.

At this point I was putty in her hands. She knew how to get my body to react to her with a simple voice. Through this whole ordeal she has yet to touch me. Her hands has been everywhere but on my body but she was driving my body wild. "Yes daddy! I love you so much!" I was finally able to get that out. She had to put a root on me for, me and my body, to go this crazy.

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