...A Nightmare

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  Hey everyone I know it's been a while. My wife and I are living great here in Texas. I am so glad she said she would come here with me. We have been in the process of planning our wedding. I'm actually on my way home right now because Ash said she wasn't feeling too good. She's on bed rest at the moment because the babies are kicking her ass. She gained 80 pounds and for every pound she gain I get cussed out twice over. I walked in the door to see her laying on the couch groaning and cussing out my babies.

"Your got damn daddy better get here soon or I'm gonna cut her dick off."

"Damn baby do you have to be so harsh?"

"You need to ask your big headed ass babies the same thing. They are killing my fucking back and won't let me keep anything down."

I walked over to her picking her up and putting her in my lap. I began to rub her belly and she snatched my hand away quickly. "What the fuck Ashley?" She almost broke my fucking wrist.

The look she gave me for calling her Ashley made my heart fall to my ass. "Call me Ashley again and watch me slit your throat. I moved your hand because every time you start doing that they start acting like they don't give a fuck about my uterus and back."

Rubbing deep circles on her back made her sigh in relief and wiggle up to me. "I'm sorry baby. I know this is not your ideal pregnancy." I just felt bad that she was going through all this pain and it was no way I could help.

"There's no need to apologize I'm happy and blessed to be pregnant with our babies. As long as I'm building this family with you I don't care how much pain I go through."

I'm not gonna lie that made me blush and swoon. I love this girl more than anything in this world. "Aww baby that's so sweet. I wouldn't want to start a family with no one but you either. Let's go lay down because I know you haven't been getting much sleep."

We walked to the bedroom and laid down. I waited until she was able to get herself comfortable. I turned on the TV to see my crazy ass sister on it. I can't believe she sing on national TV after revealing her secret. She must really love Oni if she did that. I'll call her later to congratulate her.

I woke up, not knowing when I fell asleep, and went to check the time to see that it was 5:30am. It's no way in hell we slept that long. I looked over to still see my baby sleep so I left her like that. I started cleaning up the kitchen and get laundry done. As I was putting in the last load I heard my wife yell which made me run up the stairs.

She was sitting on the bed holding her stomach. "Help me baby please." She cried. I picked her up and ran as fast I could to get her in the car. Once I grabbed everything from the house I sped to the hospital. I didn't care if the police was behind me they would have to wait until we got to the hospital.

Running inside I grabbed a wheelchair and went to get my baby. She was still crying and holding her stomach. I said a quick prayer in my head, for my wife and babies to be fine, as I rushed her to the front desk. "I need a doctor! My wife is pregnant with quads and she woke up holding her stomach in pain!" I yelled really fast in a panic.

The receptionist grab a nurse that was walking by. They rushed my wife to the back but told me to hold on. I was a nervous wreck and was praying to god that all of them make it out alive, especially my wife. After about 10 mins some nurse came to get me.

We stopped at the sanitation room to prep me before walking in the OR. I was not prepared for this at all. "One of your babies is in distress and it's causing the pain. We are going to do an emergency C-section so we can get the quads out safely."

"Ok. The one in distress, what will happen to them?"

"If getting them out go smoothly then the chances of that baby surviving will be increasingly high."

We walked in the room and my baby had big crocodile tears falling down her face. I just felt like shit because I couldn't help. I bent down to her level to look into her beautiful hazel eyes. "Look at me my love, I know that you are scared and I am too but we are strong. Together we are indestructible so our babies can't be anything but. The doctor see the baby in distress but you know what I see?" She shook her head no as I wiped her eyes.

"I see it as the baby telling us they are ready to receive our indestructible love because they can't truly absorb it inside. Now in order for us to do that Superman needs Wonder Woman to do what she do best. What does she do best?"

"Be strong." She said softly.

"That's right because the Justice League isn't anything without Wonder Woman." Out my peripheral I could see them working hard to make sure our babies were fine. I kept talking to Ash so she wouldn't notice that the babies were delivered.

I was still silently praying in my mind that my babies will be fine. After a few mins we heard the best music in the world, the cries of our newborns. The nurses walked over with all four of them and they were so small but so cute. We had two boys and two girls.

They took them to the back and I heard the doctors barking orders frantically which made me look at my wife. Her eyes was rolled to the back of her head and she was lifeless. "What the hell is going on?" I asked angry and frantic.

"Calm down it will be fine she lost a lot of blood. Do you know her blood type?"

"Yes it's O+."

"Good now I am gonna have to ask you to step out. Nurse Anna please escort Ms. Knowles out and get me Doctor August now."

The nurse started to walk me out and I heard, "She's coding" as I was walking out the door. I tried to run back in but the nurse was holding me back. "I gotta make sure she's going to be ok! I heard her say she's coding!"

"I can't let you go back there. Please just let the doctors do their jobs. Do this for your babies. If you go back there it will be less time they are working on your wife. Think about that." She walked away and I pulled out my phone to call Onika.

I called her like 40 times and no answer. "Come the fuck on Onika! What the fuck are you doing?!" I called my sister next. I called six times and was getting frustrated. "Stop fucking and answer the fucking phone!" I yelled as the tears was falling fast making it impossible to see.

I called her one last time and she finally picked up. "Hey Solo." She answered with a smile. I wanted to smile but it made me cry even more so I know my voice was broken.

"BB where's Onika?" I asked. My voice was laced with sadness.

"She's sleeping. She just had the babies. Why what's wrong?" She asked with her voice breaking because I know I sound bad.

"Congrats. Ash just gave birth too but she..." I started crying harder and it made BB cry harder.

"She what Solange?!" She yelled because I paused. Next I heard BB yell, "What the hell? Mama grabbed the doctor she's seizing!" This can't be happening. They can't be that much in tuned with each other.

I heard the doctor tell them to step out and BB got back on the phone crying. "What happened BB?" I inquired as I sat down to cry even more.

"She yelled Ashley's name then started seizing. What's going on with Ash?"

"She had the quads and it was a little rocky at first but then they started crying which was great. After they rolled them away, I looked down to see that my wife was bleeding out so they pushed me out the room. As I was clearing the door I heard her yell she's coding. What the fuck is happening BB?" I was very distraught by now and the only person who could keep me together was laying in the OR. They gotta make it because what will BB and I do without them?

(What's going on with Ash and Oni? Will they make it? Will the babies have any complications? How will BB and Oni get through this? Are Ash and Oni really that in tune with each other? Let me know what you think. Don't forget to Vote Vote Vote and Comment Plz.)

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