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This chapter starts with Onika's and Ashley's subconscious!


    This is not what I thought was gonna happen when I gave birth to my babies. I felt my body become heavy and I felt myself slip somewhere. I know I'm not dead but I'm not alive either. I think I'm somewhere in limbo. I could hear BB talking and the doctors telling her about the babies. I could hear when our mother came in. Next I saw and felt the pain of the one person I've always been connected to and that's Ash.

   I yelled her name to get her attention then next I felt a sudden spark and I was drifting away from her. After about a ten mins I saw her again and ran towards her. "Ash is that you?" I said crying right now.

She turned to me with tears in her eyes also. "Oni? I can't believe it's you. Where the hell are we and what is going on and..." She was very frantic and taking really fast.

"Calm down love I think our physical bodies are in a coma and we are in limbo or something. Like the balance between life and death." I said calmly even though I was anything but.

"Why are you here?"

"I had the sextuplets. I take it you had the quads."

"I did. They look more like Solo I think." She smiled.

I started to cry a little thinking about if I'm gonna see my babies grow up. "We have to get out of here Ash. I didn't come this far to leave my wife and kids. I made a promise to BB and I can't break it."

    Now it was her who was calming me down. "Calm down baby girl because we will get back we just have to trust in the lord and our bodies. We just did something that most women couldn't do and that's give birth, and to multiples."

     I nodded and steadied my breathing because she's right about that one. "She's right you know." Some lady said and we started looking around. When you in your subconscious people start popping up out the woodwork.

The woman stepped into view and I was surprised by this. "Asya right?" I asked. Alyssa favors her too but she snatched BB's whole face.

"Yes and I know who you are Onika. I've been watching over you and I'm extremely grateful for the love you have brought to Beyoncé's and Alyssa's life. I want both of you to listen to me clearly. This is not your end. You are gonna have long prosperous lives with your spouses and children. Your body is just trying to heal the best way it knows how."

I couldn't even say anything because this has to be fake right? It's no way I'm talking to her and she's really here. She is very fucking beautiful I can tell you that much. "How do we get back to our families?" Ash asked.

"You listen for them and you go towards them. Don't give up and it will seem like a long fight but you don't give up."

"That's must be the talking I hear in my head." Ash looked at me and at that moment I knew she was about to get back to her family. "I will see you in a few month for Solo graduation. I am happy that I got to see you but next time it has to be under better circumstances." She hugged me tight which made tears come down both of our eyes.

"I love you so much. Tell Solo I'll see her soon and I better get some pictures of my nieces and nephews." I held onto her for a little longer and let go.

"I got you boo and I better get the same. Tell BB she better get up every morning no matter what." She said chuckling while taking steps back. "It was a pleasure to meet you Asya even in this state."

"You too. Take care and don't come back here no time soon."

"I'm gonna try. I love you Onika." She said walking away. After a while she disappeared. I turned to Asya and she had this big ass smile on her face.

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