The Best of...

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     Today we are moving into my mom's house while the renovations to our house starts. She moved in with Mama Carol because she said she didn't wanna have to see kids running around everyday. I submitted my paperwork for my replacement when Oni go into labor. She has entered her third trimester already and the doc told us that we couldn't have sex anymore because it can send her into labor. I was mad as fuck but my wife is more important than fucking. She's on bed rest because she's having very bad back pain. The doc told us that she is very high risk and will probably have high blood pressure. I made sure to change up her diet a little bit which she was mad about. She didn't talk to me for two days.

I walked in the house to see the kids on the floor looking sad. "What's wrong babies?"

"We no want yeave." Alyssa said with the saddest face. I sat on the floor with them and they climbed in my lap.

"We won't be there long. They are gonna knock the whole house down and build it bigger and better. You're gonna have a bigger room and you can put whatever you want in it." They eyes got big when I said that. I picked them up and walked upstairs to see what Onika was doing.

When I got to the top of the stairs I was a few seconds from beating her ass. She was on the step ladder getting the last picture off the wall in the hallway. "Onika Tanya Knowles, I gonna beat your ass! Get down!" She looked at me knowing she was caught.

"Hey baby when did you get in here? Did I tell you that you look so sexy today?" She said trying to butter me up.

"Don't even try it. You know damn well that you are suppose to be on bed rest and you know that you're not suppose to raise your arms above your head." I helped her down and she began pouting. "Go get in the car before your bed rest be in the room only."

   She started tearing up and walking down the stairs. I told the kids to go get in the car while I help Chris put the last few boxes in the storage container. We got finished at about 4pm and I was tired and drained. The house should be done by the time her and the babies are to come home. We added two nurseries, to the blueprints, for the babies. We made it gender neutral so they can share just in case we have more boys than girls or vice versa.

I got the kids ready for bed before I started on dinner. While I'm cooking I heard our mothers come through the door. "Where is the giant and the midget?" I heard my mom say.

"Y'all are gonna quit talking about us." They get on my nerves wanna always crack jokes.

"Where is Onika?" Mama Carol said whispering.

"She's in the living room sleep. Why are you whispering?"

"Because she pregnant with big eared babies. I know they got hearing as good as dogs." She said laughing hard as hell along with my mother.

"That's why I didn't put on any perfume cause Onika is tapping into their sense of smell. You know they got her nose." My mother said.

"Get out now." I am so over them I swear.

We heard a scream from the kids and then Oni screamed my name, "BB!" I ran into the living room to see a puddle of water. "My water broke. It can't be happening! I had two more weeks." She said crying. Our moms told us they will stay with the kids. I grabbed the bags and got Oni to the car. She was crying hard but her contractions wasn't close at all.

I think she was scared because she kept looking up the survival rate of multiples pass quadruplets. "Oni baby I really need you to calm down for you and the babies. They will be fine."

She looked at me with the saddest look and it broke my heart. "Promise me that they will be alright." She said looking at me with so much hope.

"I promise they will be fine as long as you calm down. You can't let your blood pressure spike or you can develop preeclampsia. Just sit back and breathe." I turned on my siren and got to the hospital in 10 mins.

They took her back as soon as we arrived. We go to the room and they was scrambling around trying to get everything done. She was not gonna be able to push and that made her mad because she didn't want the scar. The doc told everyone to hush so she can make sure all the babies was breathing normal.

Once she did that it was time to deliver my babies. "Baby number one is a girl. Baby number two is a boy. Baby number three is a boy. Baby number four is a boy. Baby number five is a boy. Last but not least baby number six is a girl." The doctor counted out. I looked at Onika and she was staring at the curtain.

At first I was gonna ask her what was wrong until I notice we haven't heard one of them cry yet. This can not happen again. I looked over to see the team of doctors working diligently on my babies. After about five long ass minutes they started crying. We both released a breath we didn't know we were holding.

We saw them for a few seconds and then they rolled them away quickly. That worried me more than anything. "Hey Doc what's going on with my babies?"

"They have to go to the NICU because they are a little on the small side. When we get them set up you can go back there to see them. It's normal for multiples to be on the small side."

"How much did they weigh?" Oni asked.

"The smallest 2 pounds 3 ounces. The biggest one was 2 pounds 7 ounces. Now you know the next hour is the golden hour for mother and baby so I need you to relax. You will be moved to your room shortly." She walked out and they came to roll Oni back to her room.

I just looked to the heavens and prayed. I just want my babies and my wife to be fine. I laughed to myself because I had a crazy thought. We can have our own show and call it "BB and Oni with 8 little homies". I'm just playing though we made everyone on the floor sign NDA's. We will tell the media on our own time that's why we did a private section of the hospital.

The doctor came to check on Oni who is peacefully sleeping. She told me I can come with her to see my babies. I sanitized my hands and put on all the safety gear before I stepped in. They are in a room by themselves and I can't believe we have six babies at one time. They are so small with wires coming from every which a way but they are here and a blessing.

Looking at them brought a tear to my eyes because of how strong they are being to stay alive. I walked over to baby number one and she was just so cute with her head full of hair. First one out but the smallest one. "Hey princess, welcome to the world. You keep fighting so you can see the rest of your family soon. I love you." I walked to every single one of them to let them hear my voice and tell them I love them.

I got back to Onika's room to see her still asleep. Our moms walked a few mins later with teddy bears and balloons. Looking at Onika she looked lifeless. If it wasn't for the machine going I would think she was dead. "What's wrong Beyoncé?" My mother asked.

"She looks dead."

"Don't let your mind take you there? She is gonna wake up and she's gonna be here forever."

My mom embraced me and I couldn't hold it in anymore. I was super overwhelmed with all different types of emotions. I know that she isn't Asya but this is bringing back memories I haven't really dealt with yet. I didn't know it was gonna hit me like this.

I calmed down and my phone started ringing off the hook. I just put it on ring cause it was on silent at first. When I looked at the screen I saw it was Solo. "Hey Solo." I picked up the phone with a smile but as soon as I heard her crying my smile fell. "BB where's Onika?" She asked crying.

"She's sleeping. She just had the babies. Why what's wrong?" I asked tearing up because this sounds bad.

"Congrats. Ash just gave birth too but she..." She started crying harder and it made me cry harder.

"She what Solange?!" I yelled. When I yelled that something crazy happened.

"ASHLEY!" Onika yelled then began seizing.

(A/N: What happened to Ashley? What's going on with Oni? Will all their babies make it? What's gonna happen next? Let me know what you think. Don't forget to Vote Vote Vote and Comment Plz.)

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